Small world, I am very familiar with ife on your 777sprobably tells you who I work for. Have you been on board recently?
this issue is also similar as to when the body control module (also known as comfort control module ) has an issue,cany other internal items not working properly?
also try fuses 13 and 14
Dunno if the bcm (or comfort control module) can be fixed
It lives up under the dash - you have to remove the plastic trim under the dash, and it is tucked up high, like instrument cluster high. It is held in by a couple of screws and has one or two cable bundles plugged into it.
google and vortex are your friends.
Your symptoms of various internal features not working are a pretty classic sign of this.
this is for passat, but sounds like your woes:
VW Passat Comfort Control Module harness repair | HeadFUZZ
check for bad earths and water damage first
They are not all that expensive on ebay (around $100), but get the right one.
I also believe that a dealer can sort them out, no idea of cost (it's a dealer, so not cheap, I'm guessing....)
Last edited by Stan; 12-07-2012 at 09:33 PM.
Thanks for all the info, will take a look at the BCM when I have some spare time!
Let us know how it goes