Ok so update time.
RE: traffic incident.
NRMA (I don't think) opened up the event number I have from police (costs $48 bucks) because on that visit they told me I would be paying the excess, car gets repaired, then they chase it out of the other party.
I went back to the police chasing proper details and basically it wasn't recorded as an MVA, just an incident. And because I said "look they are young and stupid, I don't care about getting them charged and nailed, just want to fix the car. I've done dumb things before and at least they know not to do it again". They weren't charged so there is no formal number for the incident so need to go back and explain how the police categorised it in the system. Saturday morning job.
My choice of repairer is reputable around here so happy it going there when sorted. Might be easier just paying cash and sucking it up because it's probably less than my excess anyway lol. Also got quotd 400 for front bar respray + holder delete so pretty happy about that. When the time comes...
RE: damaged Aristo repaired and 2 new tyres (Proxes4). Information was provided to the RTA. They describe the process as taking 4-6 weeks to investigate :S so waiting on that one. Cost me about 650 bucks in total.
Contact details should anyone need them:
snail mail
RTA Injury Management and Claims Services
Locked Bag 928
North Sydney NSW 2059
- Details of Incident
- Photographs
- 2 Quotes to repair or the repair receipts
- Copy/Proof of Registration
- Map to show where incident occured
Hope that helps anyone..........
Have a whining rear diff on decel. Changed the diff oil last week which quitened it down a bit but it's coming back so looks like it'll come out for a looking at. Clutch is still ****ed but G/B won't break and neither will a shaft so just put up with it and then go shopping again :/
Carbon cannister fitting has broken too, checked GAP and couldn't find it. $260 from VW for anyone who is curious. So small vacuum leak atm. Still can get low 9's/100km off the MFD though.
Just ordered 400 bucks worth of gear from ECS
-Oil Filter
-Fuel filter
-Oil filter socket 1/2" drive, 36mm
-Fuel Line Pliers
-NGK Spark plugs
-Haldex Service Kit with filter tool
-Extended Spark Plug socket
-Umbrella :P
Working on it!
Sorry for all the text guys...ah well, you'll live.