Ok so last night I caught up with a couple of mates (N15 SSS SR20 with GT2871R, JZA80 NA with 280 deg cams and tuned classic WRX wagon). Went into town for a nice feed, a few drinks and what not and a bit of a spirited drive afterwards. Ended up the top of mount sugarloaf (for those that know) for a while and then rolled back down to Maitland.
Reghrouped at a local shopping centre car park where the Rex, Pulsar and I were talking and about to get back into the cars and call it a night. Anywya a white corolla driving past egged my car so I jumped in and gave chase. Grabbed the licence plate and called my old man (wasn't gonna clog up 000 ) to call the police and let them know. After trying to tell them the police have their details they kept driving and trying to evade (indicating left and turning right isn't going to fool me lol) we eventually came to a roundabout.
The police were going to call me and had listed it as a "job".
I had been in contact with the Pulsar/Rex and told them where I was, just so happened they were on the same road. So htey pulledo ut in front of this white corolla and stopped them at this roundabout. I pulled alongside, haard lights on and got out of the car. The corolla did a U-turn in a single lane and swiped my front guard/front bar
The rex gave chase and I went round the roundabout and followede the rex, finally caught up and ended up in Maitland CBD. They ran a red light in front of me and cut off a mate in a commodore travelling across the intersection and also harassed pedestrians in the CBD with their driving. Decided it was more sensible to leave it and hope the police caught them rather than me driving around all night.
So was on the way home and got a call, police wanted a statement. Went back there and found out that there had been pklenty of calls regarding their driving and behaviour and realised it was a carload of 17 year old girls on red p's.
So the front of my car is damaged the constable who took my statement is going on hols for 3 weeks so I have no idea when it will be sorted but I'll need some gun work in the near future. Ah well, just didn't appreciate that. I've done stupid things but never devalued or damaged other peoples property, I don't have a good view of that behaviour. Yeah I followed the car for a while (half an hour to an hour) but what do you do.
Will update later.