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Thread: Dash/Trim section removal

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Users Country Flag

    Question Dash/Trim section removal

    Hi guys.

    Just wondering if i can get some help with my dash.

    A little while back i cleaned up the trim around my centre console, cup holders stereo etc of the black substance VW uses to finish the trim. I have not however been able to completely finish this task as i have been unable to remove a few pieces. These pieces are

    Air Condition surround.
    Coin/cigarette lighter cover and the engine end of the lower part of the centre console. (i believe i need to remove the whole lower section of the dash for this ?)
    Ignition Surround.
    Drivers door window control panel.

    If anyone has any advice on how to get these parts free so i can give them a good clean and make things a bit nicer inside that would be great. If there are thread tutorials or walk throughs i have missed i apologise however i did do a search.


    Mitchy G
    MkIV 00 2.0 Golf

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Melbourne, VIC
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    Re: Dash/Trim section removal

    Hopefully one of these links helps man,
    I remember doing it similar to the first link when i took my center console out, but i started on the passenger side and removed the glove box first

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    gold coast
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    I hate that sticky ****!!!!!

    For the ignition surround you will need a long blade ph00 philips 2 screws facing the floor and 2 screws facing the driver(behind the steering wheel just turn it 90 degrees and you will see them. be warned for some reason that stuff is harder to remove, same with the drivers door switch surround. youll get there though. with the switch surround take off the inside wood trim part( the part you touch when you close the door) then just pull it the surround up and off

    I just pulled out every sticky part of my interior. the smooth surfaces are relatively easy to clean I used the non scratch scotch brite. the textured parts were a diferent story. Ended up using carby cleaner. got rid of the sticky **** but left the panels looking a bit worse for ware. Its now time to give them a coat with some SEM satin black.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Neil and SLAJ thanks both for the input it made everything very easy. All my dash is cleaned up and i'll give some more a go tomorrow on the doors etc...

    Neil just on the worse for ware-ness. I have a small spray bottle of Armour All interior protector (or similar). I went over the parts id cleaned with turps which had come up a dull grey but were clear of the sticky black gunk none the less and they came up a pristine black without having to apply any other finish. Just fyi mate
    MkIV 00 2.0 Golf

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