Switch test is easy might not have explained it prpoerly. This switch has a number of functions. 1 to put light on when braking,2 switch off the cruise and 3 shut the fuel off when braking.
Now to test the function without VAGCOM you drive along and keep your foot on the throttle and brake at the same time and you should fell the engine die a bit, thats the fuel being cut off. If this doesnt happen then that circuit of the switch is faulty and that circuit also controls the off for the cruise.
Like someone else mentioned the switch can be measured via value blocks but they are not done in binary for the pedal switch. Binary is for long coding and you vehicle has short coding but dont worry about that jargon mate simple test.
Cheers (my money is on the brake pedal switch,although the stalk switch has a little fine printed circiut that does break. Fit pedal switch- cheap option 1st)