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Thread: Clutch bleed HELP !!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Dee Why, Sydney
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    Clutch bleed HELP !!!

    Hi all,

    Oh, hoping some of you might be able to give some advice!

    I installed a new Clutch mc on the Bora 4motion and bleeding seems be be releasing a huge amount of bubbles into my clear plastic tubing from the nipple.

    Some of the air are 10-20mm sections and sometimes the fluid seems very airated.

    I've tried:
    - open nipple and pump pedal up and down 15 times
    - open and close with 1 pump 10 tmes in a row
    - pumping 15 times fast with closed nipple then open nipple with pedal held down

    At all times the reservoir was topped right up

    What the hell is going on?? heaps of air ......I've bled many brakes on cars bikes never an issue like this one on my clutch.

    Any pointers much appreciated

  2. #2
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    Did you bleed the slave as well?
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Dee Why, Sydney
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    as far as I know the only bleeder is at the slave and that where I bled, down below the battery

  4. #4
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    Make sure the bleed container is higher than the bleed nipple, air bubbles must flow up.
    I had good results with nipple open clutch down, nipple closed clutch up, repeat. Took a bout 5 times to get a good pedal.
    Nothing special just push down at normal speed, hold on floor while you close the nipple before going back up again at normal speed.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I tired this a few times to no avail.

    Could be the O ring has fallen off the hard pipe to cmc?? although it seemed to fit in firmly and clip snapped on, I'll have to remove to check.

    The O ring wouldn't fall off easily I would imagine....

  6. #6
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    I had a lot of trouble with this once on my mk3 IIRC.
    I think I got there in the end with 2 people, 1 person slowly pumping down while the other opens the bleed nipple at the start of the stroke, then closes it before the bottom of the stroke. From memory the issue was mainly an air bubble that coupled with the pipe routing, just was not easy to clear.
    These days, I would do it by pulling a vacuum on the bleed nipple and keeping the reservoir full. One of the seemingly endless uses for an oil vacuum pump.
    If you dont have a pump, you could use mouth suction to do it, but obviously you want to do it though a cannister trap (you could make one out of a softdrink bottle and a couple of m of clear plastic tubing. The bottle is there to isolate the pipe you suck on from the pipe connected to the bleed nipple.
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  7. #7
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    Also, don't undo the nipple too far. You let air in past the threads if you do.

    Just unscrew it half a turn at the most.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    i'm starting to think the Clutch Bleeder Assemble is to blame, the plastic body where the nipple into.

    The matal hex part the nipple screws into which is connected to the plastic body appears to move a bit and is not fixed - is this where air could enter?????

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fzs1000n View Post
    i'm starting to think the Clutch Bleeder Assemble is to blame, the plastic body where the nipple into.

    The matal hex part the nipple screws into which is connected to the plastic body appears to move a bit and is not fixed - is this where air could enter?????
    Did you pre-fill the slave cylinder before you fitted it? Can be a bitch to bleed without doing this.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Dee Why, Sydney
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    I hadn't removed slave or bleeder assembly only loosened nipple after new cmc went it.
    If I do the loosen nipple clutch down and tighten and so on the tubing shows no air however pedal still to close to floor.

    So when using a home made vacuum bleeder to suck any remaining air through it finds heaps so it can't be after the nipple, just around it like the plastic bleeder assembly, nipple itself or the slave.

    I might try screwing in a new nipple as its cheap elimination.
    Last edited by Fzs1000n; 14-09-2017 at 09:15 PM.

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