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Thread: Cleaned MAF, and car is slow again :(

  1. #11
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    The cables with the spring connectors on them run back to your gearstick inside the car, and the moving arms are what actually selects the gears in your gearbox.
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  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tim View Post
    according to the part number on it its a "Switch - Altitude corrector"
    yeah i did a google and found that... still no idea what it does though. would be nice if it was something like a boost pressure sensor, but i don't think so.

    Ok i got my stereo installed by FHRX studios, and fortunately they photo the whole process of the installation, and it proves that they removed it from it's mounting position, and left it to dangle down below. (edit: no dramas, all fixed, simple error)
    it's supposed to mount on that triangular bracket, though am having a bit of trouble getting it up there... daylight job i think.
    still wondering what this sensor is for...

    i was actually hoping this was the reason for the fault, but it still looks to be the MAF.
    Last edited by McDub; 03-10-2009 at 11:54 AM.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by McDub View Post
    yeah i did a google and found that... still no idea what it does though. would be nice if it was something like a boost pressure sensor, but i don't think so.
    Its an altitude sensor . As your elevation increases the air gets thinner so the ecu raises the boost to compensate
    Bug_racer supports the rebellion of the euro revolution

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bug_racer View Post
    Its an altitude sensor . As your elevation increases the air gets thinner so the ecu raises the boost to compensate
    interesting, so does have a little to do with boost...

    spent the whole morning trying to source a new MAF, most places said to call back monday, but i'm impatient, and found one for $200 in Villawood, turns out it was a fricken second hand unit, no way i was gonna pay that when i negotiated a $265 price for a new unit from a VW dealer with 2 years warranty.
    80km round trip and lots of tolls later, i've got nothing accomplished
    so it's either from the dealer, or golf loon might have em in stock, though i think he has just the sensor unit, so not the whole housing, so gonna have to get a special torx driver with the pin hole in the middle if i do that
    Last edited by McDub; 03-10-2009 at 11:55 AM.

  5. #15
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  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by McDub View Post
    Ok i got my stereo installed by FHRX studios, and fortunately they photo the whole process of the installation, and it proves that they removed it from it's mounting position, and left it to dangle down below. so the two things i just brought up were done by the stereo installers
    Proves it? I didn't think it was a secret.

    We quite often move items like this around to make way for the brackets that hold fuse holders in place. See one thing which we try to avoid at all costs is damaging your car by drilling holes in it or jamming self tapping screws into it. Therefore when we manufacter the alloy brackets to hold various bits and pieces we sometimes need to move things around to make room (remember there are only a select number of holes in the engine bay to attach things too).

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by McDub View Post
    another thing i noticed, i got my stereo installed 9 months ago by one of the main guys in the business... i have to say this looks very suspicious, the positive wire to the amps is very loosely running up against what looks to be a mechanical part in the engine bay... not sure what it is but doesn't look like a good idea... what is this moving arm?
    i'm starting to wonder why i bothered getting it done by professionals when i installed all the gear fine in my last car...
    I could be off the mark a little here but are you sure no one has moved that cable around since it was last here? We usually cable tie all cable runs to something to avoid these sorts of issues. In any case we don't shy away from such responsibilities - I don't suppose you considered bringing the car here to have this cable situation rectified before going online with it perchance?

  8. #18
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    I've gotta say, I've dealt with FHRX a few times, and out of all the stereo installers I've dealt with, they've been by FAR the best - the most professional, the most caring of a
    customer's car, and have cut no corners when installing. Chalk and cheese when compared to some others I've used or seen the results of (Strathfield, JB HiFi, etc). Marty in particular (who is the owner I believe, and probably the "main guy" you mentioned) was excellent, making sure everything was done to my requirements.

    Giving them a call and have a chat rather than naming them here would probably achieve more for you in getting things rectified.
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  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fhrx View Post
    I could be off the mark a little here but are you sure no one has moved that cable around since it was last here? We usually cable tie all cable runs to something to avoid these sorts of issues. In any case we don't shy away from such responsibilities - I don't suppose you considered bringing the car here to have this cable situation rectified before going online with it perchance?
    hey marty...

    yeah sorry wasn't meant to mention you, that's weak of me, i think i was just a little annoyed in general! Sorry dude.
    I noticed the cable there a long time ago and it hasn't proved a problem (i do have to say i'm concerned about all the un-fused length with some of it running past moving parts), but yeah sorry made a bigger deal out of this than i needed to.
    and the altitude sensor, i'm sure you were supposed to just put it back and forgot, understandable don't worry.
    For the record, you guys did a good job, and when my tweeters didn't work, you installed my new ones for no extra charge...

    FHRX = good
    McDub = bad
    Last edited by McDub; 29-09-2009 at 07:58 AM.

  10. #20

    Thanks for clearing that up champ.

    As I say; we’re certainly not conceited enough to believe we can do no wrong - we’re human just like everybody else. However if there is a drama with one of our cable runs then we need to rectify it as soon as possible.

    This is why we offer a life time warranty on any and all of our work. If there is ever a drama with any part of the install - just let us know and we'll address it right away.

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