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Thread: changing brake fluid on ABS

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    changing brake fluid on ABS


    I have a golf MK IV 1.6 petrol with ABS brakes.

    Just a quick question. I always work on my own vehicles.

    Is it ok to flush my own brake fluid in these ABS brake systesm.
    Just like the older style brakes with no ABS.

    thanks in advance


  2. #2
    dont do it unless you have the correct pressure bleeder and are able to login to the abs.....otherwise if you do its a tow truck job to the dealer or someone with the equipment and knowledge cheers steve

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Adelaide South Australia
    I have changed the fluid twice on my T4 with ABS. I use a suction device with an air compressor, havn't had a problem yet. I don't let the fluid get too low in the res. though.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Mexico
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    Quote Originally Posted by 20vkitcar View Post
    dont do it unless you have the correct pressure bleeder and are able to login to the abs.....otherwise if you do its a tow truck job to the dealer or someone with the equipment and knowledge cheers steve
    Why would that be Steve, not saying you are wrong but you haven't stated why?

    I have had plenty of ABS VWs and have had no big problems when bleeding the brakes on them. Just be wary of the pressures involved and depressurise the ABS by pumping the pedal 20 times or more. I then treated them just like std brakes.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Thread Starter
    thanks for advice so far...

    I don't have any pressure device... only the one man brake bleeder kit which is a
    one way valve with a hose....

    seems that some poeple just depress the pedal 20 to 30 times and then just
    do teh old brake fluid release at the valve at the wheel end.

    Or should I pay the dealer to do the job. I just had the timing belt done not
    long ago and I am broke....

    But I do know how to do the brake fluid on the old cars no trouble. just not sure
    on these ABS.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    VW Race HQ - Sydney
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    I guess this post raises the question of accident insurance on a car thats been worked on by a non qualified mechanic . I know of being told when I was at Tech that the fine for working in the backyard at home is like $100k or something . Your allowed to work on your own car and close relatives but if its purely profit driven the fine applies . I also remember that an apprentice mechanic must work under the supervision of a fully qualified mechanic also . I know it sounds stupid but the fine is like $5k or something , and the yearly wage for a mechanic is around $12k now .

    So of all you guys that work at home have you looked into public liability at all , like does your insurance cover mechanical defects ?

    Oh , and on the original topic , you can save some bucks by doing it yourself , but if you do it wrong it will cost more to repair than the money you tried to save

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    theres a simple saying

    if your already questioning and doubting yourself, your best not to do it yourself...
    What’s behind you doesn’t matter..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    dave whats your location i have sat off and may be able to do it for you at a price and will teach you at the same time for future use


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