Step 3: Cutting the Shaft and The "Thru Bolt"
Place the Main Part of the Mount back in the Vice as Pictured (Horizontally)
We want to Measure to where the little black mark is from the end of the shaft (Length of section to be removed - Min 1.35cm Max 1.55cm)
When Comfortable Take to the Shaft with the Hack Saw or Cut off Disc Either or. (I Used my Bench Grinder to remove and burring on the shaft post cutting)
Now Place the "Thru Bolt" with threaded Square Nut in to the Vice like Pictured
From the Pointy End Count Back and Place the Saw Edge between the 5th and 6th Coil of the Thread proceed to cut right thru (if you cut to short it will be nigh impossible to reassemble this mount)
Optional: you can use the Bench grinder to round of any burring but please don't try and round off the thread to make it look pretty and useable we wound that nut on earlier for a reason
Wind the bolt out of the Nut this will allow the bolt to be threaded in/out at any given time like a Regular uncut bold
(although this is a common sense practice when shortening bolts some may not know this)