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Thread: Break squeel noise during slow tight turns ..

  1. #1
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    Question Break squeel noise during slow tight turns ..

    Hi guys,

    my rear breaks on the Bora 4Motion have been making a squeel noise when i apply breaks lightly .. checked my pads .. they got plenty of meat on them ..

    i recently noticed the same noise happening when im turning the car at low speeds as in when parking etc ..

    the car has 114xxx km's on it .. have already purchased Haldex oil and Filter to get them changed very soon ..

    the car doesnt behave wierdly in any way ..

    it is lowered a fair bit and the rear wheel bearings are not in a very good shape due to too much camber on the rear ..

    it also has an aftermarket whiteline adjustable sway bar .. which i will check for rubbing on drive shaft when i get the car on the jack soon .. (BTW would a sway bar rub at low speeds ? my understanding is that it would rub at higher speeds .. but please correct me if im wrong.. )

    i've had a look around and it seems to have happened a fair bit with R32's as well .. since it's the same setup ..
    and VW aparrently doesnt think much of the noise ..

    any input as to what the cause may be ?

    VW BORA 2003 V6 4Motion
    Volkswagen Golf MK3 1997 CL 1.8L

    Rammstien + Autobahn + Volkswagen = Leben !

  2. #2
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    My front sway bar rubbing only makes a noise at low speeds. For some reason it stops once I'm in 2nd gear.

    It could be the pads rattling (against the piston or where they sit in the caliper), or the caliper might need some grease on the mounting rod. I'd be checking all of the mounting bolts first to see if anything has worked loose. If there is nothing obviously wrong then I'd take out the pads and clean/grease the contact areas between the pads/caliper/piston and the mounting rod.

    My dad's mechanic once insisted on using the low-dust type pads on his A4, and they squealed like hell no matter what was greased or re-seated. Went back to OEM pads and the noise stopped. I guess some pads just don't agree with some rotors.

  3. #3
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    Re: Break squeel noise during slow tight turns ..

    Do the pads on the bora require shims? If the shims/slides don't have anti squeal or grease on them they can be quite noisy at certain speeds and braking forces

    Sent from my HTC Velocity 4G using Tapatalk 2

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by bloödstorm View Post
    My front sway bar rubbing only makes a noise at low speeds. For some reason it stops once I'm in 2nd gear.

    It could be the pads rattling (against the piston or where they sit in the caliper), or the caliper might need some grease on the mounting rod. I'd be checking all of the mounting bolts first to see if anything has worked loose. If there is nothing obviously wrong then I'd take out the pads and clean/grease the contact areas between the pads/caliper/piston and the mounting rod.

    My dad's mechanic once insisted on using the low-dust type pads on his A4, and they squealed like hell no matter what was greased or re-seated. Went back to OEM pads and the noise stopped. I guess some pads just don't agree with some rotors.
    that's actually quite interesting .. these pads have been on the car since i bought it .. and i barely get any dust on the back .. so they could possibly be Bendix GCTs which are low dusting .. ill have to have a look ..

    as for the front sway bar rubbing noise .. it's quite odd that it doesnt do it in other gears .. have you seen where it was rubbing ?
    is it a FWD or AWD car ?

    VW BORA 2003 V6 4Motion
    Volkswagen Golf MK3 1997 CL 1.8L

    Rammstien + Autobahn + Volkswagen = Leben !

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by martinijosh View Post
    Do the pads on the bora require shims? If the shims/slides don't have anti squeal or grease on them they can be quite noisy at certain speeds and braking forces

    Sent from my HTC Velocity 4G using Tapatalk 2
    i actually have no idea .. as unintelligent as that sounds . . could you please explain what shims look like ?

    thank you muchly

    VW BORA 2003 V6 4Motion
    Volkswagen Golf MK3 1997 CL 1.8L

    Rammstien + Autobahn + Volkswagen = Leben !

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golf-Sam View Post
    i actually have no idea .. as unintelligent as that sounds . . could you please explain what shims look like ?

    thank you muchly

    Thin metal plates fitted behind the pads and are shaped to the pads. Some cars have clips affixed to the ears on ends of pads to keep them located in the calipers of the BRAKE system and stop them floating around.

    Suggest you check wheel bearings as loose ones will let wheels move sideways and rub pads on discs
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golf-Sam View Post
    as for the front sway bar rubbing noise .. it's quite odd that it doesnt do it in other gears .. have you seen where it was rubbing ?
    is it a FWD or AWD car ?
    FWD car. I didn't explain very well, the noise is only related to the vehicle speed, not specifically to the gear. It happens at all speeds below about 10 km/h. It's rubbing on the driver's side driveshaft only, because the driveshaft is thicker on that side (rubs because it's really low - coilovers). I just need shorter droplinks, or a TT/R32 front sway bar which goes below the driveshafts. I think my grinding noise is kind of like pushing your fingertip along a smooth tabletop: move it slowly and it skips along and squeaks, move it faster and it slides silently.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by bloödstorm View Post
    FWD car. I didn't explain very well, the noise is only related to the vehicle speed, not specifically to the gear. It happens at all speeds below about 10 km/h. It's rubbing on the driver's side driveshaft only, because the driveshaft is thicker on that side (rubs because it's really low - coilovers). I just need shorter droplinks, or a TT/R32 front sway bar which goes below the driveshafts. I think my grinding noise is kind of like pushing your fingertip along a smooth tabletop: move it slowly and it skips along and squeaks, move it faster and it slides silently.
    shorter end links should sort out your problems by the sounds of it then
    VW BORA 2003 V6 4Motion
    Volkswagen Golf MK3 1997 CL 1.8L

    Rammstien + Autobahn + Volkswagen = Leben !

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
    Thin metal plates fitted behind the pads and are shaped to the pads. Some cars have clips affixed to the ears on ends of pads to keep them located in the calipers of the BRAKE system and stop them floating around.

    Suggest you check wheel bearings as loose ones will let wheels move sideways and rub pads on discs
    i'll have a ponder tomorrow ..
    the bearings have a fair bit noise coming from them .. i cant believe how they fell appart from the camber .. both sides ..
    then again it is -3.44 on each side .. so i suppose i was asking for it .. i'll get some priced up and change them ..
    will let you know what the solution is to help others as well ..

    thank you !
    VW BORA 2003 V6 4Motion
    Volkswagen Golf MK3 1997 CL 1.8L

    Rammstien + Autobahn + Volkswagen = Leben !

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