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Thread: Bora v6 starting troubles???

  1. #1
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    Bora v6 starting troubles???

    Having issues with my bora v6 4motion, when I come to startup after work when it's been sitting in the sun and it's hot it starts BUT idles a bit rough and lulls when you rev or accelerate away?? Funny thing is that it doesn't do it in the mornings or when parked in a cool place?? Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOR444 View Post
    Having issues with my bora v6 4motion, when I come to startup after work when it's been sitting in the sun and it's hot it starts BUT idles a bit rough and lulls when you rev or accelerate away?? Funny thing is that it doesn't do it in the mornings or when parked in a cool place?? Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance.
    VCDS scan always the best place to start. But coolant temp sensors are the first thing on the list in my eyes.

    Has the battery been disconnected recently?

  3. #3
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    Not sure about battery being disconnected, I have only recently bought the car (last week). I had a pre purchase inspection done at a reputable Euro specialist on the Gold Coast and they didn't pick up on anything. In saying that neither did I until now and as I said it's only when sitting in the sun for a few hours on startup, after about 5 minutes it disappears??


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOR444 View Post
    Not sure about battery being disconnected, I have only recently bought the car (last week). I had a pre purchase inspection done at a reputable Euro specialist on the Gold Coast and they didn't pick up on anything. In saying that neither did I until now and as I said it's only when sitting in the sun for a few hours on startup, after about 5 minutes it disappears??


    Could be the heater in the lambda probe I guess, if it runs better once warmed up.


  5. #5
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    Yeah it's fine after a few minutes of idle....? But strange how it's only when the vehicle has been sitting in the heat/sun. Have asked a mate who owned a V6 4motion and he reckons it might be coil pack as they are heat sensitive???


  6. #6
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    Could be many different things - you're always going to be guessing until you get it scanned to see if it's throwing any codes ...

  7. #7
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    Got it booked in next week at eurotune on the gold coast, they seem to be the business judging by the cars that were there 😳 Always had my Audi serviced at European autotech mona vale Sydney so will see how these guys go. So many weird things happening since I bought it......electrical and so on... 😔

  8. #8
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    Check your battery connections, earth connections are tight - they can often be the cause of weird electrical issues. Could also be worth checking the battery itself.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by RolfGolf View Post
    Check your battery connections, earth connections are tight - they can often be the cause of weird electrical issues. Could also be worth checking the battery itself.
    Funny you mention that, yesterday the Bora did a few more funny things i.e interior lights wont turn on when unlocked or when doors are opened (and yes the light switches are in the correct position), courtesy alarm to tell you if you have left your driving lights or parks on doesn't work anymore and also the car locked itself with the key in the ignition. So after all of that i decided to buy a new $280 bosch battery thinking this might be a source of elimination....... has not made any difference in the slightest.


  10. #10
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    your problem is micro switch in drivers door..... All the symptoms you say relate to this switch .... Stick a can of contact cleaner in the door lock and squirt away ... It may fix it or otherwise you can replace just the switch or the entire internal lock ....
    my 4motion on a cold start idles around 1500 for the first minute or so until some sort of sensor warms up or gets a signal to drop the cold start assistance ....
    Last edited by LeStig; 13-01-2016 at 06:45 PM.

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