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Thread: Bora V6 4motion help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Bora V6 4motion help!

    Hey guys,
    I'm a proud owner of a 02 Bora V6 4motion, recently I have had a recurring problem.

    At around the 40mins driving mark I have a complete loss of power, the revs drop down to 2000rpm and the car won't go over 40km/h, even if I put the pedal all the way down. I can turn it off and let it sit for 40mins-1hr and it works fine for another 40mins.

    I've taken it to my local mechanic who did a diagnostic which came up blank with no record of the fault. I've tried researching the problem but haven't come up with a clear answer.

    Can anybody tell me what is going on? or Has anybody had a similar problem?

    Please help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Ipswich, QLD
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    Your car is going into "limp home mode". Take it to a VW mechanic for a full diagnostic to find what is wrong. It could be caused by a dodgy sensor.
    2003 Bora 4Motion

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Mexico
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    You need a diagnostic doing while it is playing up. What tool did your mechanic use. VCDS is the tool of choice on VWs.


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Thanks for your help guys, taking it in today, will let you know the outcome. Hopefully not too $$$.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Dont poke and hope, scan, smoke and scope
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    Sounds like air mass meter, they should be able to read that with VCDS , launch and Hanatech
    Alba European
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  6. #6
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    You were spot on, had it replaced ($385 later) and totally fixed the problem...
    Until yesterday, cruising with a friend, car driving fine then all of a sudden same problem.
    Pulled up to a light and it staled out on me restarting it I knew exactly what was happening no revs over 2k/rpm.
    After letting it sit for an hour or so, drove it for 25 mins home no problem.

    Can you tell me if this is a reacquiring problem with this model?
    Is it worth getting it fixed every two weeks?
    Should I be seeing a VW specialist instead of my regular mech.?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Ipswich, QLD
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    All cars are prone to stuff breaking, its just that european cars like a little more love for that oh so nice ride. Think of them like fine women and wine, its worth it

    I would not think that the MAF is gone again if it was replaced with a new one, more likely that it was one of a couple of problems and another gremlin has reared its ugly head. If your mechanic has good diagnostic gear as described by Jmac then they should be able to find out whats wrong but they would likely need to have the gear hooked up at the time the problem occurs to identify it 100%.
    2003 Bora 4Motion

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Largs Bay, S.A.
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    I'd take it to a VW specialist for diagnosis - plenty listed on the forums here ... If your mechanic doesn't have the specific tools to run diagnostics then you're going to be chasing your tail - nothing against them. Best off getting it sussed out properly than replacing a whole bunch of stuff that might not need it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Similar problem

    Hi Guys,

    I'm a long time owner of a Quattro TT but with my first child due later this month I bought a 2001 Bora V6 4Motion. So far I'm loving the burble and more relaxed grunt of the extra 2 cylinders. The suspension feels like it would benefit from a tweak but I need to get the engine looked at first.

    It has a very similar problem to the original poster of this thread. I'm guessing it's the O2 sensor but I'd appreciate your recommendations for a trusted mechanic in Sydney. Preferably somewhere in the Inner West / Eastern Suburbs area.

    I've had a look through the forum and Total Car Care in Paddington seem like they would fit the bill. I just wanted to ask in case I'd missed something.

    Thanks in advance for for your help. I'm glad I found this forum and I'm looking forward catching up for a drive / beer in the future.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    My son is buying a V6 4motion next week, is this a common problem with these?
    2006 Golf GTI DSG, Leather, Xenons, SatNav, Kufatec Module

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