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Thread: Bora V5 Air Con Problem

  1. #1

    Bora V5 Air Con Problem

    Hi, Everybody

    I have been having my Bora V5 for about half a year, and it's continuiously giving me problem one after another.

    And this time is the air con.

    Yesterday I got my car back from the Dealer Service, they changed my battery, because they said that when tuning the key to start the car, it takes a little longer than it should be. And now i notice that this problem is fixed, but then I find that the ignition key barral is a bit lose, as when the car is running, I can still tune the key a bit left and right. It wasn't like that before I took the car to dealer.

    But that's not the main thing that I concerned, the main thing is that today when I drive the car, I can smell a hint of warm air from my air con, and then I touched the 4 air con vents on the dashboard, it felt warm, but I've never turned my air con on, the display says "OFF", and neither is my dimesters or heated seat on. None of the warming things are on, but I can still feel a little warm air coming out of the vent, and I do feel warm in the car. But it's completely not normal, and it's not like that before i took the car to the dealer.

    Could anybody tell me why is this happening? Is it related in anyway to the battery changing process?

    By the way, I also should mention that the dealer also replaced my slow leaking radiator, and that's the main reason why i took my car to dealer to repair. And guess what, after they put the front bumper back on, they didn't connect the bonnet release leaver to the hook under the bonnet, so I couldn't open or close the bonnet, I asked them to fix this connecting pin that they lost during the repairing, and they fixed it up with a cable tie. I'm so not impressed.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
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    Defiantly get the cable tie sorted, that's just poor form. Make sure you make it very clear that they have lost the pin or whatever and you want it back the way it was before you left it with them.

    As the for play on the ignition key, this is normal. My Golf is the same.

    Hot air from the A/C is quite common. Try setting recirc to block outside air.
    MK4 GTI - Sold
    MK5 Jetta Turbo - Sold
    MK5 Jetta 2.Slow - Until it dies.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    The heater/aircon display is also a computer that controls motors which open and close the vents. This may need to be reset now that the battery has been replaced. The vent that regulates the temperature may be partially open, even though the display thinks it's closed.

    As for the key, I'm not sure. Are you using the same key as before you left the car with the dealer? One key may be more worn than say, the spare. I've found previously, customers tend to leave the spare key with the workshop, not the one they normally use.

    Return the car once more, voice your concerns, and refuse to pay (make them aware of this BEFORE the work is carried out).
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  4. #4
    Hi JustCruisn, thank you for helping me out. I rang the dealer today and they agree to replace the bonnet release part for me with no charge.
    And they told me exactly the same thing about the hot air from AC. So does that mean, the hot air that's coming out isn't really the air con?

  5. #5
    Hi Umai Naa, thank you for replying so fast late in the night.

    I have only one key for the car when I bought it from the previous owner. And I tried to get a new key as a spare, but it's quite expensive, so I didn't end up getting one.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Sydney, NSW
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    And dealers wonder why they get a bad name for their servicing standards...
    Nothing to see here...

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Perth, Australia
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    Once you get everything sorted with the dealer dont take it back there. Find a good VAG specialist and take it to them. most people here do that coz they had a bad experience with dealers
    1991 BMW 318is RED E30

  8. #8

    Ok, after nearly a month of not hearing anything from the dealer of when they gonna get me a new bonnet release, I called them on Monday to ask. And they said: "oh, it arrived last Friday, Can you come on Thursday to have it fixed?" So I went there and have it fixed, only to discover afterwards that when they pulled the grill off the bumper to fix the bonnet release, they scratched a bit of paint off my bumper, and now I have two little white dots on my black paint at each side of the grill. I'm so over it now.

    Can I have a new bumper from you, my dealer?
    And please make sure you damage the next thing that you plan fix on my car, when you put the new bumper on.

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