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Thread: Bora V5 (2.3L AQN) engine number location

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Location of Bora V5 (2.3L AQN) engine number on engine block

    I just sent my 2002 Bora V5 for a vehicle inspection at Regency Park in Adelaide and it failed.

    Why? Because the inspector (who let the power of the job go to his head) said he could not read the stamped engine number on the 2.3L V5 engine as it was covered in muck and so instructed me to steam clean it. But when I look, I can't see any sign of the engine number in the area he was looking. Therefore, I am left wondering if he was looking in the right place?

    Looking at the engine, he was looking down at the front right corner of the engine block (nearest the passenger side). However from reviewing the threads on the matter; a number of alterntive locations are thrown up. Some say you can only view it from underneath the car (so jack it up) and others (inparticular for the V6 engine variant) say it is on the left side of the block by the timing belt. Now I can't jack it up as I havent got any stands and don't want to stick my head under using the wheel change jack (I don't want to buy stands just for this purpose); the timing belt side doesnt throw up any clues either.

    Therefore, can someone with the knowledge please inform me where the engine number is supposed to be located on my engine so I can tell the inspector and get my car to pass the inspection test?

    Many thanks
    Last edited by greenbeast; 28-02-2012 at 10:21 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Users Country Flag
    Quote Originally Posted by greenbeast View Post
    I just sent my 2002 Bora V5 for a vehicle inspection at Regency Park in Adelaide and it failed.

    Why? Because the inspector (who let the power of the job go to his head) said he could not read the stamped engine number on the 2.3L V5 engine as it was covered in muck and so instructed me to steam clean it. But when I look, I can't see any sign of the engine number in the area he was looking. Therefore, I am left wondering if he was looking in the right place?

    Looking at the engine, he was looking down at the front right corner of the engine block (nearest the passenger side). However from reviewing the threads on the matter; a number of alterntive locations are thrown up. Some say you can only view it from underneath the car (so jack it up) and others (inparticular for the V6 engine variant) say it is on the left side of the block by the timing belt. Now I can't jack it up as I havent got any stands and don't want to stick my head under using the wheel change jack (I don't want to buy stands just for this purpose); the timing belt side doesnt throw up any clues either.

    Therefore, can someone with the knowledge please inform me where the engine number is supposed to be located on my engine so I can tell the inspector and get my car to pass the inspection test?

    Many thanks
    The engine number (“engine code” and “serial number”) is located next to the vibration damper on the cylinder block.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Thread Starter

    Thanks, found number with aid of mirror


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