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Thread: Bora Repair and sourcing parts...

  1. #31
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Moonee Ponds

    Vacuum line loose or cracked somewhere ?
    Audi B4 80 Q V6 '94 Race Car !! KEGGED
    Audi B4 80 V6 Avant '94 Only one in the country that I know of !!! KEGGED
    Subaru Forester XT '06 Genome Exhaust/Car-PC/Boost Gauge/Oettingers !
    --VW Bora V6 4mo '01 Gone

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Caringbah, Sydney
    Thread Starter


    found a hose I missed...

    slotted it back. then started it up again... smooooooth sailing.
    ran it for 30 mins. perfect.

    Funny thing about the G12 coolant... ive read that its supposed to take something like 6 litres or close to... but I only really put in 3 - 4 litres.... am I missing something here?

    things still left to do...
    • thermostat
    • dogbone mount
    • ball joints
    • controller arm bushings
    • brakes ( discs and pads )
    • wipers
    Black 2004 Bora 2.0 - returning her to former glory.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Moonee Ponds
    Fantastic, carry on going just taking care as you go.

    I know with my control arms, my mechanic said he had to send it to someone who could pop them on but I think he mentioned it was different on the 4mo compared to fwd.

    Oh and for the wipers make sure you do the aero wipers... much better

    Quote Originally Posted by Nozzi View Post
    found a hose I missed...

    slotted it back. then started it up again... smooooooth sailing.
    ran it for 30 mins. perfect.

    Funny thing about the G12 coolant... ive read that its supposed to take something like 6 litres or close to... but I only really put in 3 - 4 litres.... am I missing something here?

    things still left to do...
    • thermostat
    • dogbone mount
    • ball joints
    • controller arm bushings
    • brakes ( discs and pads )
    • wipers
    Audi B4 80 Q V6 '94 Race Car !! KEGGED
    Audi B4 80 V6 Avant '94 Only one in the country that I know of !!! KEGGED
    Subaru Forester XT '06 Genome Exhaust/Car-PC/Boost Gauge/Oettingers !
    --VW Bora V6 4mo '01 Gone

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Caringbah, Sydney
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    thanks Qsilverza.... ive freaked out a couple of times... like when I sheared off the stud that holds the cam retainer down ( rocker cover?!?) I thought ive really done it now...
    After talking to a few people, i learnt that with some vice grips you can undo the stud and replace it.

    lesson learnt : use a qaulity proper sized torque wrench... dont cheap out on that item, its supposed to be a precise measurement.

    at the moment im trying to figure out where to plug the vag-com... ive got the cheapy 'E-PAY' cable, installed the software from ross-tech.
    Black 2004 Bora 2.0 - returning her to former glory.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Moonee Ponds

    vag-com goes into the middle console just above the cigarette lighter console is a roundish flap. You should be able to pull-out towards you.

    I have a cheap one and so far it has work great.

    Well my motto is, Nothing is ever as bad or as good as it sound at first.
    Audi B4 80 Q V6 '94 Race Car !! KEGGED
    Audi B4 80 V6 Avant '94 Only one in the country that I know of !!! KEGGED
    Subaru Forester XT '06 Genome Exhaust/Car-PC/Boost Gauge/Oettingers !
    --VW Bora V6 4mo '01 Gone

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