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Thread: Bora Repair and sourcing parts...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Caringbah, Sydney

    Bora Repair and sourcing parts...


    Car : VW Bora 2004 2.0 stock standard. 110 000 km. purchased new.

    wifes car is slowly packing it in and she hasnt ever had a proper service except for her dad changing the oil every so often. I think all thats been done is a new Gearbox and a new clutch! i dont know what she was doing to it!!

    I NEED ADVICE...I think ive narrowed most of it down. Am i missing anything, or is there anything I should be trying?

    first mech. problem is the VERY loud ticking ( lifters?!?!). I think its the lifters. when I got a hold of the car i added oil and the ticking quietened down. then after a while it returned. i then after researching decided to run ATF through the engine for about 30 mins at 2500 revs, then flushed the engine and returned to the regular oil she and her father demanded.( mobile 1 5w 50 I think). the ATF treatment was great.. it almost seemed to have sorted the problem.. then about 200 km or so later the noise slowly returned. Im guessing new thinner oil maybe or maybe the lifters need a clean/replace!? Im thinkin its a bit thick... the oil not my wife!

    at the same time..
    • shocks are bottuming out (front)
    • brakes and DISCS are close to being due
    • timing belt needs done.
    • while im here might as well do all the filters considering no one has ever looked under there.
    • replacement lifters, im guessing if all else fails.

    all of this is getting pretty expensive as far as I can see.. which is why i thought I might take it upon myself to be a mechanic. Ive got the bentleys and Ive been researching for a while now so as not to F*** it up!

    main question is. whats a cheap place get parts?

    below is my parts list so far


    • VW G12 PLus PLus x 2
    • Oil filter, package of 10
    • Valve cover gasket, rubber
    • Gasket, upper intake manifold
    • OEM gas charged Strut. Front
    • OEM gas charged Strut. Rear
    • OEM discs front
    • OEM discs rear
    • OEM pads Front.
    • OEM pads Rear

    • Meyle Cabin Air Filter Charcoal
    • OEM Fuel Filter
    • OEM VAG Engine Air Filter
    • OEM VAG Lifters, Set of 8
    • Victor Reinz Gasket Sealer
    • Timing Belt Kit "PLUS" w/ strech bolts
    • Suspension "PLUS" Rebuild

    I rang barloworld and the people at Volksbahn and I looked for other aussie stockists but the prices are pretty high or they didnt have what i need in stock.

    I guess more than anything I need to know that Im doing the right thing...
    and maybe a little bit of moral support... or something.
    Last edited by Nozzi; 16-02-2009 at 04:31 PM.

  2. #2
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    Mate, this is going to be expensive to do, no matter how much you look at it.
    Look at after market brake rotors and pads...Rotors from either RDA or DBA as these are both Australian companies, and worth a look as they are alot cheaper, but high quality.
    Filters are easy to source. Look at a few of the sponsors on this site, as they will be able to help you out alot.
    Instead of taking to dealer servicing, why not look at taking it to a VW specialist mechanic?? This will be cheaper, and it negates the chance of you making the car worse than what it sounds like it is.
    Update your location in your profile, as this will help you out greatly in directing you to said VW Specialist.
    "If can't get behind your troops, feel free to stand in front of them..."

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    My wife's 1997 Astra was a bit like this when she and I got married - to the point where at approaching eight years of age, it still had the original tyres (Continentals) on the back (the tread had never worn out, thus they were never replaced). One of them blew off, the tread separated from the sidewalls, as the rubber had just gotten so old and hard that it couldn't absorb bumps any more and it failed.

    One thing to weigh up is the value of the car, the cost of a replacement, and the cost of repairing the existing car to bring it back to a reliable level. We ended up selling the Astra for $600 last year after I drove it to the local train station and back every day for quite some time. Electricals failing, A/C failed, head gasket blown, paint oxidised to all hell. To be honest, I think we got the better end of the deal.

    And I got my Bora V6 4Motion, which makes me very happy
    Nothing to see here...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Nozzi View Post

    Car : VW Bora 2004 2.0 stock standard. 110 000 km. purchased new.

    wifes car is slowly packing it in and she hasnt ever had a proper service except for her dad changing the oil every so often. I think all thats been done is a new Gearbox and a new clutch! i dont know what she was doing to it!!

    I NEED ADVICE...I think ive narrowed most of it down. Am i missing anything, or is there anything I should be trying?

    first mech. problem is the VERY loud ticking ( lifters?!?!). I think its the lifters. when I got a hold of the car i added oil and the ticking quietened down. then after a while it returned. i then after researching decided to run ATF through the engine for about 30 mins at 2500 revs, then flushed the engine and returned to the regular oil she and her father demanded.( mobile 1 5w 50 I think). the ATF treatment was great.. it almost seemed to have sorted the problem.. then about 200 km or so later the noise slowly returned. Im guessing new thinner oil maybe or maybe the lifters need a clean/replace!? Im thinkin its a bit thick... the oil not my wife!

    at the same time..
    • shocks are bottuming out (front)
    • brakes and DISCS are close to being due
    • timing belt needs done.
    • while im here might as well do all the filters considering no one has ever looked under there.
    • replacement lifters, im guessing if all else fails.

    all of this is getting pretty expensive as far as I can see.. which is why i thought I might take it upon myself to be a mechanic. Ive got the bentleys and Ive been researching for a while now so as not to F*** it up!

    main question is. whats a cheap place get parts?

    below is my parts list so far


    • VW G12 PLus PLus x 2
    • Oil filter, package of 10
    • Valve cover gasket, rubber
    • Gasket, upper intake manifold
    • OEM gas charged Strut. Front
    • OEM gas charged Strut. Rear
    • OEM discs front
    • OEM discs rear
    • OEM pads Front.
    • OEM pads Rear

    • Meyle Cabin Air Filter Charcoal
    • OEM Fuel Filter
    • OEM VAG Engine Air Filter
    • OEM VAG Lifters, Set of 8
    • Victor Reinz Gasket Sealer
    • Timing Belt Kit "PLUS" w/ strech bolts
    • Suspension "PLUS" Rebuild

    I rang barloworld and the people at Volksbahn and I looked for other aussie stockists but the prices are pretty high or they didnt have what i need in stock.

    I guess more than anything I need to know that Im doing the right thing...
    and maybe a little bit of moral support... or something.
    IMO i would honestly take it to somebody as its been that long and with your lack of knowledge (other then book) it would probably be best to get somebody to do it for you.

    South i dont know, Jade Auto Repair in Roseberry (about what 20m from Cbah i guess? would be the closest people i would recommend to you, they're number is 9663-0427.

    Best to take it to any vw/audi mechanic and get them to go through it thoroughly and just spend the money. Nothing is free or cheap these days, longer you leave things neglected the more it'll cost you either way

  5. #5
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    You need to do some diagnosis before pulling the topend apart.

    Oil that is too thin will cause tappets to be noisy. Another culprit is a blocked oil strainer on the pump.

    Running your ATF might have dislodged a load of carbon that has made its way into the strainer.


  6. #6
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    Yeah i wouldn`t go pulling that motor apart at those ks until I had checked the strainer in the sump and flushed all the oil again.

    Have you tried a slightly thicker oil? 5w 50 is surely a bit thin for a NA motor. Try a Castrol Maganatec.
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golf Loon View Post

    Have you tried a slightly thicker oil? 5w 50 is surely a bit thin for a NA motor. Try a Castrol Maganatec.

    Magnatec would be a thinner oil

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    10w 40 Magnatec is by memory ...

  9. #9
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    40 is less than 50 if my maths is right

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Not synthetic though, is it.
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
    All Mechanical Work, Log book Servicing, New and used Parts and Imports
    19-20/6 Badgally Road, Campbelltown, 2560
    02 4627 3072 or 0423 051737

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