Work Continues...
Just an update on the work being carried out.
At the moment the car is on stands and Im waiting on parts ( any day now)
Snowy has sold me his shocks.... and they are half installed. waiting on bearings and rubbers for upfront before they go in. Never realised how much of a bastard shocks are to pull out and put in (front) without the right spreader tool.
ANYHOW... ive got it down to a fine art and i can remove them in and install them in about 30 mins or so. Car failed rego due to drivers side front strut leaking, so i had to also spend a while cleaning the grit and oil and caked on build up due to this.
Ive got a Novus coming in to do a windscreen replacement, due tomorrow or the next day. ( still to finalize time)
Since posting here last time the lifters went from a slight tapping to a heavy metallic banging. not good. so Im going to pull the top off inspect what kind of damage that did and then replace the lifters. hopefully wednesday or thursday for this task. Funny thing was that after it started making the worst noise in the world... i left it for 2 days and the noise subsided and went to tapping again. I guess the hydro lifter bled down. will know from inspection i guess how bad things are.
theres only one thing for sure at the moment... the car is a cleaner than it has been for a long time. When this is over I might take it to a panel shop to touch up the scratches and bumps. and then a detail. Maybe even a shampoo / steam clean or something on the inside.
Black 2004 Bora 2.0 - returning her to former glory.