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Thread: Bora R32 Build Thread

  1. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by LMAA View Post
    I feel your pain, using one of those carpet cleaners takes forever. It seems to work better, when you pressure wash the carpet and use the spot cleaner to just suck the water out. Hang the carpet up for 24h or so et voila....great results with a lot less work involved ✌
    Damn, wish I had a thought of that! I hung it up, beat the crap out of it, vaccumed and shampooed it twice but there was still a lot of sand and **** that just would not come out. Great tip!

    A lot of work just to change floor mat plugs though... VW says they just "pop out" but they're 15-20yrs old they snap before they pop.

  2. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by dylan8 View Post
    Suprised not many people have got the smoke GLi tails previously. They are a great look on a black bora Imo.

    Remember to get coloured bulbs for the fogs.
    Most boras only have 1 fog light from standard from memory. Mine was missing a bulb when I got it, fitted a new one and it's just worked? So don't know if this is a year thing or an Aussie thing...? Many threads about people adding a wire to activate it in other countries.

    How much is a pain to pull the carpet? Considering doing it in the golf as its pretty feral.

    Sent from my HTC 2PZC100 using Tapatalk
    haha dude if I'd known that earlier! I had to play musical bulbs for a while there not realizing I needed the colored ones.
    Interesting about the fogs, not sure why from factory only one would work, should have checked if both sides worked on the factory tails I guess. I'll jump on UKMKIV's and see I can get any info on that because it's going to bug me that only one works.

    RE: Carpet. Old MK4 vet like you will smash it out in no time. There was only 2 things that really stumped me a little.
    Removing the bonnet release handle (there's a small retaining clip you need to pull out) and this section of the carpet here.
    Bora R32 Build Thread-carpet_1-jpg

    You have 2 options, cut a slit in the carpet at this location (Like I did)
    Or undo the support bracket for the dash, plus remove the interconnecting ac/heater duct

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    That allows you to pull the carpet towards the back and out. I might throw up some steps when it comes time to putting it all in.

  3. #103
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    More fun and games with this thing. I was getting a lot of vibration at high speed and whining noise coming from the front right, turned out the wheel bearing was completely shot. Checked the front left and although there wasn't any noise there was a lot of play in the wheel. So up on stands it went for 1.5 weeks whilst I sourced the bits and fitted them.

    In hindsight wish I had taken the time to just do the R32 spindle swap, but it meant another 2 weeks went by where I didn't get to fit my .:R trim or seats

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    New bearings all pressed it.
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    After pressing in the front left bearing and hub I found there was still a bit of play. I closer inspection it look like the hub was worn so replaced it with this 2 piece Vaico assembly, the beauty of this is the ABS ring is separate so if I need to press a new bearing in later I can with a lot more ease. The stock hub and ABS ring are one piece and it's a pain in the ass to work around the ring.
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    Pieced it all back together only to find that I couldn't was the hub nut back on because the cv end was rounded out (nfi how that happened) had to pull it all back apart and attempt to clean up the thread.

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    Picked up some new hardware as well because all 3 of the LCA bolts were completely stripped.
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    Also took the liberty of winding up the BC BR's by about 10mm so I didn't pack a steamer everytime I spotted a pebble on the road.

    Didn't take many pics unfortunately because at this point I was getting ready to burn the thing.

  4. #104
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    Got the new carpet back in, swapped just about every piece of plastic trim in the cabin during the process and finally got my .:R seats in!

    Before (eww..)
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    Also whilst I had all the brushed trim out I've recorded all the p/n's (best I can tell) for anyone playing at home.

    Bora R32 Build Thread-img_2594_partnumbers-jpg

  5. #105
    Join Date
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    Should have just thrown the 32 gear in. soooo much nicer.

    im sure that would have been satisfying getting getting the new carpet in
    Bora gone
    Vento VR6
    7P Touareg TDI

  6. #106
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    Sure was. A lot of work though just to run twist type floor mats.

  7. #107
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    finally got my DG short shifter and bushing kit all installed.

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    32mm hole in the side of the shift tower for ease of access

    old new
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    OEM v DG Bushings
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    OEM v DG end links
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    end linkes at the tower (FYI - the nut on the top of the gearbox is 20nM. Do not overtighten!)
    Bora R32 Build Thread-img_1829-jpg

    After numerous adjustments at the end links (one of which resulted in me having no Reverse, 1st or 2nd) finally got it, you want 3-4threads sticking out of the front / back cable. The throw is shorter but not by much. Throws feel notchy and tight.

    If you we're ballin' on a budget I think you could get away with just doing the bushings it's definitely where the biggest improvement was felt.

  8. #108
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    So for the past 12mths (basically the whole time I've owned it) it has been a continual fixing of @%#$ing coolant leaks.

    Fix one, springs a leak somewhere else. Which is a little disappointing as most of this stuff was replaced only 2yrs prior to me buying it (so I'm told)

    This one was the first to be fixed. O-ring was as hard as rock when I pull it out is actually snapped. Changed them both.
    Bora R32 Build Thread-img_2059-jpg

    Then this one. Incorrect clamp used (should have still worked I would have thought..) but it was leaking here also, broke the tee-piece removing the lines. Replaced that with OEM and OEM pinch clamp
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    Then this one happened. Replaced OEM ball and cap with pressure valve.
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    This one, incorrect clamp used.
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    This one.. same again.
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    And finally, boom. 2yr old Nissens Radiator just blew out, fml...
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    Fortunately I had spares of all this stuff I could pull off the old white Bora.
    But for the record the OEM Radiators are made by - Valeo P/N: 1J0121253S
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    2004 VW Bora 4motion | 3.2 Swapped - R32 Trimmings | BBS CH | Forever fixing this bitch

  9. #109
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    Think I'll go and check my cooling system as well.

  10. #110
    Join Date
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    I feel you pain mate, I've been chasing coolant leaks on mine for months now! Latest one was a blanked T off the crack pipe. Had to pull the front panel off to find the damn thing!

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