So i gather this is quite a common problem with MK IV's from reading around.
Other than group buy threads on dog bone mounts, i havn't seen a thread actually specifically on this topic.
what's the best way to reduce or eliminate that wheel chatter, particularly when you floor it in first gear? Sometimes when i've spun the wheels off the line, and the road has been uneven, the sound and resulting vibrations from the wheels seemingly bouncing around has been TERRIBLE! Most other times it's more subtle, but still likely causing damage to the drivetrain (i'm particulalry worried about possible damage to the dif...), oh and of course it's robbing me of smooth power delivery!
I don't want to spend a whole lot, so basically just want to replace a couple of bushings, which from what i've read, is the easiest way to fix this.
So replace the dog bone mount?
Or replace the engine mount insert?
and forgive my lack of knoweldge on where exactly these are on the car and therefore what's involved in replacing them, roughly how much labour time/costs would it take to replace say the engine mount insert, or the dog bone mount.
If labour costs are significant, then i might consider delaying this untill i need to replace my clutch.