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Thread: Bora - Oil Pressure Warning

  1. #11
    syncro Guest

    Your dynamic oil pressure switch is either defective or the wrong one.

    Nine out of ten mechanics fit the wrong one.

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    By clocks I meant the instrument cluster, which seems to be common on mk4s like it was on mk2s.....

  3. #13
    pursuit_ute Guest
    Ok, got it Gavin, that seems to run true with the chance of a poor contact on the back of the cluster then.

    Syncro - I have been told there are two switches, when you said that installing the wrong switch was common, do you mean that the high or low is being installed in the wrong location or just plain wrong switches all together?

  4. #14
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    There is a low pressure switch that turns the oil light off when you start the car. The other is a high pressure one which, if the pressure isn't high enough above 2000 revs, sets the buzzer off.

    You could get the switches in the wrong place and never get a warning or get a constant warning.

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Has this been solved yet ?

    Ive had 1 problem like this before on a Bora .

    make sure the engine block has a good earth .
    Then you need to trace the wire from the switch back into the instrument cluster . If its the cluster itself it generally wont have 1 problem as the earth points are shared . The wire is a single wire , I think it changes colour at the junction point in the plenum chamber .

    Good luck

  6. #16
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    I would always use German filters on a VW. We did a test on a kombi years back and found the Ryco ones dropped the pressure by 8 lbs!
    Genuine, Hengst or Mann filters only. Leave the Rycos for the backyarders!!
    Par 6 Golf GTI. Coilovers, BBS CH Wheels, APR'd
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  7. #17
    Join Date
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    I reckon someone has fitted the wrong oil pressure switch. There are several different ones and mechanics always get the wrong ones.

    Tell us the colours of the two that are on your car and we will try and confirm this.
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
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  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Only one oil pressure switch on a 24v vr6- black one- 1.4 bar.
    Widebody Cayman S Turbo, 83 ur Quattro
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    72 914 (3.2S boxster pwr), 92 G60 Corrado
    76 Scirocco(TFSI and DSG) 2018 Tiguan,Eureka,81 924.

  9. #19
    syncro Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by aprr32
    Only one oil pressure switch on a 24v vr6- black one- 1.4 bar.
    Must be the only modern VAG car that does.

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Yeah the earlier VR6 engines have 2.
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
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