Any Bora owners able to measure this? Thanks.
Did you guys get Bora's with Euro size plate recess in Aussie?
If so could somebody measure theirs for me?
The only measurement I need is from the edge of the bootlid (near the tailight) to the edge where the plate recess starts to taper in (hope that makes sense)
I have a Jap/US spec one that I want to cut and change to a Euro sized one.
Any Bora owners able to measure this? Thanks.
A few guys have Europ style plates on there boras, i trial fitted my dads and it seemed to fit. Will try and get some measurements for you
Awesome, thanks guys.
Looking at photos of the US Market Jetta IV, we definitely got the Euro size plate area on the bootlid. Pic of my car (coloured lines added post-processing, obviously! ):
It's 62cm across at the top (red), 56cm across at the bottom (blue), and 15cm high (green).
Pic of what I believe to be a US-market boot:
Nothing to see here...
Thats awesome, thanks very much.