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Thread: Bora door open dash warning light - does it exist?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Bora door open dash warning light - does it exist?

    Hi all,

    I'm going for a roadworthy for my '00 Bora v5, and one of the things the mechanic has knocked it back on is lack of dash warning light for when a door is opened. I'm scratching my head over this one because I hadn't driven the car before receiving it and it's been off the road for a few years.

    I looked in the owner's manual and can't seem to find any dash warning light for the doors (there's one for the boot...)
    Bora door open dash warning light - does it exist?-img_6769-jpg

    There are lights on the front doors (which should illuminates when open) however they don't work (checked globes and also door stays unlocked - i.e. doesn't lock itself). I'm about to go tear the doors apart to try and get the lights (on the doors) to work), but in the mean time just wondering can any fellow Bora owners out there set the record straight for me - is there also a dash warning light for unclosed doors?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
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    From memory my 2.0 tells me when the doors are open. You might have the finicky "microswitch" failure in the lock module that stops telling the car that the doors are open or shut.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynchy View Post
    From memory my 2.0 tells me when the doors are open. You might have the finicky "microswitch" failure in the lock module that stops telling the car that the doors are open or shut.
    I'm with Lynchy x2

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