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Thread: Bora boot won't open...

  1. #1
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    Bora boot won't open...

    I can see this has been discussed on here and other OS sites, but I can't seem to find the last step of the process...

    Yesterday morning got stuff out of the boot and closed it. Went to put something back in it and it wouldn't open.
    Made the motor noise like it was trying to open.
    Tried using the key to open it and it didn't work.
    Tried unlocking and relocking it and it still wouldn't open.

    Got home from work last night and pulled the boot lid trim out and found this:

    This stupid bit of plastic is broken. Why is it plastic? No one knows...

    Called VW and the friendly guy there emailed me this.

    So I figure I need item 33. However cant buy that part by itself- need to buy item 29 (Part No 1J5 827 567 A)
    This was quoted as costing $124.15.

    So my question is : Is there somewhere else I can buy this part from in Australia that anyone knows of?
    There are some ebay places but they seem to be in Turkey or China and will take a couple of weeks to get to me. I also don't know what the quality is like.

    There is also these people who make some super strong version... They are very convincing on their web page. I dunno though.

    So yeah... Ideas or feedback?


  2. #2
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  3. #3
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    The dealer has sent you a screenie of ETKA - VAG's online part list. It's amazing. If you need it for yourself go to

    For the widest choice of OEM parts check out [url=][/url] or Pelican Parts - Porsche Parts & BMW Parts & Mercedes Parts - Automotive Parts and Accessories - Porsche & BMW & Mercedes.
    Anything mechanical you can also get parts from RockAuto Parts Catalog

    As for quality concerns - Yes, the part is plastic, but it has lasted at least 10 years, so unless you want to keep this car for anouther 10, I'd say a plastic replacement should be fine.

    From what I can see on ETKA and other sites, to replace the plastic clip, you actually need No.29 - it is the support plate, but from what I've seen; it comes with the plastic piece that's broken on your car.
    Last edited by RubAVeeDubDub; 30-10-2014 at 07:14 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by MightyCarMods
    I'd rather lose by a mile because I built my own car, than win by an inch because someone else built it for me. Your car is your story, so don't let someone else write the book.

    -| "Laura" - 2001 Bora 4-motion (now sold) |-

  4. #4
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    Thanks for your help RubAVeeDubDub. I was looking for something like that site!

    I am just going to try my luck with one of the ebay specials an see how I go. May try and strengthen the plastic a little before installing it just to make sure. But hey, if it doesn't work I will just have to bite the bullet and buy from VW!

  5. #5
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    Just realised I never updated this for if anyone else is having the same problem.

    The $14.62 AUD part arrived a little under a month later from Hong Kong.

    Because of stuff it took me another 3 weeks to get around to installing it.
    It was the middle of December by then and REALLY hot in the boot of the car.
    The night before I put it in, I reinforced the plastic latch that originally broke with some glue from a hot glue gun making the latch all solid and not hollow with reinforcements.

    It took me about an hour and a half all up to crawl through the back seat into the boot and pull off the trim and then open the boot and pull out the old one and then install the new one and put all the trim back in.
    And I am a mechanical numpty. So really. Anyone should be able to do this.
    There are also a couple of videos on youtube that you can look at to see how it should all go.
    It's been going fine 6 months later and we use the boot more often now. Well because baby.
    So yeah. I recommend the dodgy Asian part over the $124 genuine part!

  6. #6
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    Just updating for anyone playing at home.

    the ebay part broke in exactly the same way as the previous one did last weekend. So the part last almost exactly 3 years. My dodgey hot glue gun reinforcement didn't work.

    I ordered another ebay special to replace this one.

    I found out that you can open the boot by using the key in the boot lock and turning it all the way to the left... and then a tiny bit more and then holding it there.

    I also used a combination of super glue and zip ties to temporarily fix it.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Bora boot won't open...-20180528_163228-jpg  

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lobster View Post
    I can see this has been discussed on here and other OS sites, but I can't seem to find the last step of the

    There is also these people who make some super strong version... They are very convincing on their web page. I dunno though.

    So yeah... Ideas or feedback?

    I bought the jettatrunk kit 4yrs ago and it is rock solid and I open my boot a couple of times a day visiting clients out on the road. Highly recommended.
    2004 VW Bora 4motion | 3.2 Swapped - R32 Trimmings | BBS CH | Forever fixing this bitch

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