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Thread: Bora 4motion - Intermittent starting issue

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Sth Morang Vic
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    Bora 4motion - Intermittent starting issue

    G'day, relatively new to the VW world so hoping for some possible solutions/ideas from you guys with VW experience.

    The Vehicle: Late '02 Bora 4motion V6 (update model).

    The Problem:
    On starting, turn the igniton on, all lights as normal. Turn key to start and nothing, that is no change. Starter does not turn, not even the clicking of a start solenoid. After an average 6 attempts, engine fires into life as if nothing was wrong. Runs smoothly and re-starts as normal for the rest of the day. Normally occurs after long period parked at lower temperatures, ie over night or end of working late shift 11pm.

    I've taken it to our local VW specialist, not dealer, no fault codes logged. They had it over night and the fault did occur for them. Without a code they can not give a definite fault and have suggested likely issues within ignition switch or starter motor. Ignition switch was changed and all contacts checked, but within a week was happening again, coincided with colder than normal nights, <5 degC.

    Starter quoted at $600 so looking to confirm it's my only option.

    Anyone experienced similar, or have an idea I could follow up?
    Appreciate any feed back
    '02 Bora 4motion,
    '93 Pajero 3.0l
    '95 Mk3 2.0l Golf (wife)

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    They need to think out of the box, once there's no fault logged, a skill that seems to be disappearing in modern workshops.

    If they suspect the starter, I'd have the car all hooked up to test the solenoid voltage appears when the key is turned. Then sneak up on it and try it one morning. If there's no voltage, work back towards the switch.

    Can't be a lot more help without a wiring diagram in front of me but it's troubleshooting on the most basic level. My avionics apprentice would be able to work it out with the diagrams. So a proper mechanic should have no worries in my opinion.


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the advice Gavin.
    I'll have to dig up a wiring diagram and have a look. I'm no sparky, but have done a bit of avionics work in my career so should be able to nut out the wiring diagram.
    I'd like to get more familiar with the Bora systems anyway.

    '02 Bora 4motion,
    '93 Pajero 3.0l
    '95 Mk3 2.0l Golf (wife)

  4. #4
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    Quick update.
    I've since had a quick once over the ignition system, ie check tightened/cleaned reseated connections etc, and have as yet had only one reoccurrence in over a month. This compares to almost daily at the peak of the problem. Not associated with cold as it happened mid arvo and no prob's during Melb's recent cold snap.

    It's obviously not cured, as it did reoccur, but much improved. I'll keep looking and researching to hopefully find the cause, in case anyone else experiences similar.

    '02 Bora 4motion,
    '93 Pajero 3.0l
    '95 Mk3 2.0l Golf (wife)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Users Country Flag

    Bora's have a simple ignition start system, Check signal with a test light at the starter motor (small electrical connector one wire) when the ignition is turned to start, If the test light bulb lights up the ignition switch is good if not replace switch. and if opposite replace starter.


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