That's true, there is a way on the sensors to disable them, I havent done it though.
I think this is a bit of disinformation, it doesn't disable the haldex, just reduces the torque sent through theres a thread on vortex somewhere about it...
The Haldex controller could still be at fault. Pull the park brake handle up a couple of clicks. It should stop the Haldex from working and then drive it and see if it's any different.
Audi B4 80 Q V6 '94 Race Car !! KEGGED
Audi B4 80 V6 Avant '94 Only one in the country that I know of !!! KEGGED
Subaru Forester XT '06 Genome Exhaust/Car-PC/Boost Gauge/Oettingers !
--VW Bora V6 4mo '01 Gone