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Thread: blinker making blinking NOISE!!arrgghh

  1. #1
    gpk_gti Guest

    Angry blinker making blinking NOISE!!arrgghh

    hey guys!

    my blinker relay,the one behind the hazard decided today to start to click extra after the blinkers had turned off,then as I drove straight ,it would intermitantly do that blink I need to replace the relay or is there a fix?? it has been sticking on ,for over 6 months now,that is,the blinkers wont blink just stay on,but if you jiggle the hazard switch slightly it would go away.

    is this a stealer only part? or can I find it second hand? or a fix available??

    help guys!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
    Users Country Flag
    Maybe pull the relay and take the cap off it. Have a look for bad soldered joints in it. They will be dull grey not shiny. Touch all the bad ones up with a soldering iron and some fresh solder.


  3. #3
    gpk_gti Guest
    hmm,thanks,,ill check it tomoro!!!! im going blinking mad!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    brisbane QLD
    I've had this one before, lucky the car was under warranty. My cruise control stalk went bad, but the dealer said the hazard relay being the cause of this problem is more common

    A friend of mine had the same thing, he took the hazard switch off and cleaned the contacts. He did the same to the indicator stalk, and it lasted another few months before it came back again.

    It did drive me mad though!!!

  5. #5
    gpk_gti Guest
    actually my cruise control never worked,so maybe thats the cause??

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by gpk_gti View Post
    im going blinking mad!!!
    What do you mean "Going", George?


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Yep mine did the same in the Audi - Got replacement blinker module from UK I still haven't gotten around to fitting.

    Cost ~$20 AUD from memory

  8. #8
    brackie Guest

    Dry joint

    As Gavin says, the soldered joints in the relay can oxidize and make contact intermittently. The contact points burn over time. Take off the cover and clean the points with some 600 wet and dry and touch the soldered connection with a hot (but not too hot) soldering iron. If this doesn't fix it then it's the stalk......

  9. #9
    Hmmm, looks like this is a common problem. My clickers are ok but my cruise button on the end doesn't work (on/off/resume are ok). Might be worth doing a how to...

  10. #10
    gpk_gti Guest

    ok guys,went to my mech today,pull apart the hazard switch.its not that..I played around with the blinker stalk and if you hold it slightly up or down then it does that anoying click click,so its the stalk that must have a bad connection.The unit is sealed and I cant see a way of fiddling with the wires or checking the this would explain also why my cruise control has never worked????
    anyone know how much this thing is worth or if there is a sneaky way of repairing the bad connections?????

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