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Thread: Best R32 colour

  1. #1

    Best R32 colour

    Hey there guys and girls.

    I just joined this forum today because i'm currently in the market to purchase a MKIV R32. What colour do you think is the best, BLACK, BLUE or SILVER???

    Blue is my favourite but very hard to find with low kms.
    Black looks great but probably the most common and hard to maintain.
    Silver is easy to look after but kinda undertstated for a performance car.

    Also if anyone wants or knows of someone after a 2002 Renault Clio Sports, Black, 44,000kms, extended warranty till Sept 2007, Rego Sept 2007, Logs books, immaculate inside and out, 2nd owner, tints, CD stacker - please let me know.|1| |pCar_ImageCount_Int32|1||pCar_LastModifiedDate_Da teTime|1&Make=RENAULT&__Nne=20&State=New%20South%2 0Wales&R=1048132&state_id=80&__N=4294963762+80+429 4963424+834+285+257&distance=25&__Dx=mode+matchany &trecs=7&Model=CLIO&__sid=11137347AF11&__Ntk=CarAl l&silo=1003&keywords=sport&Cr=2&__D=sport&seot=0&_ _Ntt=sport&__Ntx=mode+matchallpartial

    $18,900 ono.
    Last edited by mr_r32_oz; 26-03-2007 at 01:46 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    South Australia
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    Welcome mr r32 oz

    My favourite colour is the one you find too common >Black<

    If you want the Blue I'd try and be patient as possible and wait for someone to sell theres or you could leave your number on the windscreen etc.

    Good Luck finding the combo you want
    - Ben

    1961 Karmann Ghia Coupé - 1993 Golf Cabriolet - 2006 Golf Comfortline 1.9L TDI
    2008 Jetta 2.0L FSI

  3. #3
    Silver or Blue
    Black is hard to keep clean and an oven in summer

    I have proof
    mk3 GTI 16v 3dr

  4. #4
    Hey Ben, dont take it that way, i didnt mean common as in common. I meant there are like 100 black ones in Oz as opposed to 50 blues and 50 silver, so of course your going to see more black ones driving around.

    My current car is black and when its clean it looks awesome, but they just show up every little scratch/ chip.

    My last car was Silver so not to keen on another silver. Always wanted blue but so hard to find. Anyway no matter what colour i get i'm sure i'll love it!!!!


  5. #5
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    Blue of course

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    Cheers Al
    My Garage

    People are mushy - Paul Hawkins on the merits of where to crash on the Targa Florio

  6. #6
    Hey Al

    Yeah i agree with ya mate. No blue ones on offer atm though.

  7. #7
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    nice one Al! haha, point proven . . . . yeEW!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_r32_oz View Post
    Hey Al

    Yeah i agree with ya mate. No blue ones on offer atm though.
    Well if you want a race / rally prepped one you could always make me an off I can't refuse. Only 32000 KM , never driven daily. immaculate condition and prep, all the upgrades done for you already I'm not planning on selling but if you really want one i could always get an EVO IX for my events.

    Cheers Al
    Last edited by quozl; 27-03-2007 at 01:12 PM.
    My Garage

    People are mushy - Paul Hawkins on the merits of where to crash on the Targa Florio

  9. #9
    Thanks for the offer Al, but i'm after a stock one as a daily drive.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Black is the worst to maintain but i think that it makes it look better that other colours because it looks serious and represents a car not to be screwed with.
    Blue is nice as well, but in my opinion it looks more like a boy racer's car. Reminds me of WRXs


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