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Thread: Battery / alternator issues

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
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    Battery / alternator issues

    So I started having the ars and abs lights flashing on my mk4 golf, also noticed that this would only happen when I would use something that draws more power like the windows, indicating or turning on the headlights. I comepeltely charged the battery overnight and when I woke up i removed the charger and started the car yet it still struggled to tick over and i still got the ars and abs lights flashing at me. It was last charged Sunday night and still has enough juice in it now to start the car after a few tries. Any ideas if it could be the alternator or just the battery?

    Cheers in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Penrith, NSW
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    This might help, I had a similar problem.
    Bad Alternator? Voltage drop?
    2004 VW Bora 4motion | 3.2 Swapped - R32 Trimmings | BBS CH | Forever fixing this bitch

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by cameron1109 View Post
    So I started having the ars and abs lights flashing on my mk4 golf, also noticed that this would only happen when I would use something that draws more power like the windows, indicating or turning on the headlights. I comepeltely charged the battery overnight and when I woke up i removed the charger and started the car yet it still struggled to tick over and i still got the ars and abs lights flashing at me. It was last charged Sunday night and still has enough juice in it now to start the car after a few tries. Any ideas if it could be the alternator or just the battery?

    Cheers in advance
    If the battery is +3 years old, put new battery in, as it looks like it might be a battery drops volts during cranking. Make sure you don’t have just corroded or lose battery clamp.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    If the battery is +3 years old, put new battery in, as it looks like it might be a battery drops volts during cranking. Make sure you don’t have just corroded or lose battery clamp.
    i found on the Bora V6 your battery needs a CCA (Cold Crank AMPs) of at least 600. I had a CCA500 rated battery in for about 2yrs and it worked well. But after that it died and even though it recharged and held the charge it didn't have enough juice to kick over

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by beale187 View Post
    i found on the Bora V6 your battery needs a CCA (Cold Crank AMPs) of at least 600. I had a CCA500 rated battery in for about 2yrs and it worked well. But after that it died and even though it recharged and held the charge it didn't have enough juice to kick over
    Of course you should always use the battery with the correct CCA rating, but as long as the battery is good then 500cca or 600cca, doesn’t really matter both will start your V6 Bora. The 600cca battery will most likely have longer life span.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the help man, funnily enough the issue has stopped and i've had no problems for two days now. May look at replacing the battery anyway just to be safe

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