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Thread: Any turbo beetle owners in south east Queensland?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    ipswich qld

    Any turbo beetle owners in south east Queensland?

    Hey. I'm starting to wonder if the problems I'm chasing are actually problems at all and I would like to compare how it is supposed to run. So if your in south east queenland and wouldnt mind taking me for a quick drive it would be appreciated


  2. #2
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    I have seen a couple driving around Brisbane but I dunno if they are members on here. What kind of problems are you having the engine is almost identical to the mk4 gti so maybe you could see if you have a ridein one of those, I'd offer mine but it's far from stock... Iirc I think the beetles got an even smaller turbo than the golfs

  3. #3
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    I have a Mk4 GTI if that helps....

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  4. #4
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    im just not sure how long the turbo is suposed to feel like its there or if im even suposed to feel it. going by my other cars , 1974 celica 3tgte t04e (about 200hp atw) - pulled like a steam train all the way to 180km/h, 1999 stagea all stock (300hp at all 4 wheels) - 0-180 under 20 seconds.

    as far as my wifes opinion goes - it gets to that point where her old celica (2000 celica) the cams came on and it just dies in the arse, it also makes some nice flames most of the time. it just feels like my stagea when the coil packs were dead but ive already replaced them.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilcrash View Post
    im just not sure how long the turbo is suposed to feel like its there or if im even suposed to feel it. going by my other cars , 1974 celica 3tgte t04e (about 200hp atw) - pulled like a steam train all the way to 180km/h, 1999 stagea all stock (300hp at all 4 wheels) - 0-180 under 20 seconds.

    as far as my wifes opinion goes - it gets to that point where her old celica (2000 celica) the cams came on and it just dies in the arse, it also makes some nice flames most of the time. it just feels like my stagea when the coil packs were dead but ive already replaced them.
    If it's 100% stock you really shouldn't really feel the turbo kicking in, when mine was stock I just felt about as powerful as a decent n/a 2.0, if that makes sense. It shouldn't really die in the arse because the turbo should be able to hold stock boost until redline, once chipped though the turbo should taper off boost at around 4500-5000rpm. It shouldn't be spitting flames though( at least mine never has), sounds like you're running really rich, have you checked your dv? If your around Brissy on the weekend you can go for a drive in my gti, might give you a better perspective on things

  6. #6
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    1.8T Beetles are quick, but they're no rocketship.

    Only one I've driven on several occasions was an auto one.

    I'd say the power delivery in the 1.8T Beetle is fairly linear.

    You can't compare that to a modified 3T-GTE or RB25DET.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  7. #7
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    I just dont know what to think. I know that the beetle won't compare to the 3tgte. It did 12s with me driving without a proper tune (stupid untunable haltechs). But the stagea is only a 15 second car and my wifes 2000 celica celica was pretty similar in speed. I think my wife just thought being a 1.8 turbo and the celica was a 1.8 non turbo the bettle would be atleast the same sort of power.

    To be honest I think the dv is faulty but when i disconnect it and I set it to atmo it works as normal (flutters when plumbed normally but when atmo it makes a normal dump noise) but if I disconnect the vacuum line it flutters as if the vac line was still on.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilcrash View Post

    To be honest I think the dv is faulty but when i disconnect it and I set it to atmo it works as normal (flutters when plumbed normally but when atmo it makes a normal dump noise) but if I disconnect the vacuum line it flutters as if the vac line was still on.
    If I were you I'd try and get and another dv to swap in and see if it gets any better, the dv could still operating correctly and still be leaking boost. If you live in Brisbane you can swap in my apr r1 to see if it fixes it. Have you had the car checked by vw specialist? They have all sorts of diagnostic tools that could find the fault, if there is one.

  9. #9
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    it would be good to swap it out and see if it makes a difference so that would be very much appreciated. i havent been to get a diagnostic done yet, i am intending to its just time doesnt permit as im not able to drive the beetle without my wife in the car.

    i live at raceview in ipswich, what suburb are you in lito?

  10. #10
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    Hey Lilcrash.... I'm in raceview too....

    Stalker much?

    01 Golf GTI
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