VERY similar issue. Except mine clicks!
Hey all,
My aircon has been making a weird noise lately, almost like a humming noise, i've uploaded a video so you can see what i mean, turn it up a bit because it's quite hard to hear.
IMG 0944 - YouTube
The sound comes from the passenger side footwell area, it only happens when the aircon is on, and if the steering wheel is level it doesn't do it, but as soon as it turns 1 side or another it does?
Has anyone had this, or know what it could be?
2011 TDI Caddy- AirRex x AccuAir setup.
VERY similar issue. Except mine clicks!
2001 MkIV GTIRevo Stg 1 - K&N Intake - Forge DV
Possibly faulty fan? Jmac hinted a while ago the possibilities of a "TV valve*"? I've done extensive searching on that and have found nothing of the sort, so im thinking i may have it confused with something else?
2011 TDI Caddy- AirRex x AccuAir setup.
"TX valve" not TV valve. It's a valve that controls the amount of refrigerant flow into the evaporator. How it'd make it hum i'm not really too sure!
Does seem odd its only when there's an element of lock :/
Your pollen filter is close to where you are talking about, have you had it replaced recently?? Also good idea when it's out to clean in blower motor as leaves and junk will get caught in there and will cause noise
Sweet. I'm going to pull the dash out soon to replace the heater core anyways, so i'll do it all at once then!
2011 TDI Caddy- AirRex x AccuAir setup.