looking good.
As dylan said, you only need the water trap: Air from outside > Compressors > Tank >HERE< valve block.
Interesting to see if the slam specialties work!
finally finished my tanks on friday chooper flake with a hint or purple flake on top
im also going to try do a mock up on the weekend and build my false floor in the boot ....
looking good.
As dylan said, you only need the water trap: Air from outside > Compressors > Tank >HERE< valve block.
Interesting to see if the slam specialties work!
Dylan8 you are right about the water trap , i dont know what i was thinking but thanks for the input
Well all systems are now go with this , did a mock up yesterday and every thing fits in the spare tyre well nicely , im going to pick up my VU4 valve block tomorrow before work and building a false floor throw the week.
The only things i am waiting on now are , gauge panel , single needle gauge to keep a eye on tank presser and compressor wiring loom and i should have all them by end of the month
i will be installing this early next year when work has gone back to normal and the Christmas rush is over hopefully in the first few weeks of January.....
ill keep you all up to date with this as i start to install
Got my Accuair VU4 valve block , the rest of my fittings and all the timber for my false floor , ill be making the floor on Wednesday arvo
just gotta wait for the last few parts now then i can start installing cant wait
Since my last post i haven't got to much done
I got a false floor made up , sealed it and then carpeted it
I also received my compressor wiring kit and gauge panel holder , painted it up yesterday and its ready to fit to the car