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I have had the same dilema, on my old golf3 i had some gmax dish rims and i always thought that that made them look smaller and i always told myself that the next car that i get i will get rims that come all the way out to the lip as this makes them look a lot bigger as you say.
Since purchasing my bora about 6 months ago i have looked at about 50 different sets of wheels and i hate to admit it but i think that im going to go dish again.. I mean there are some nice wheel out there like the gmax that ingolfu is selling but dish rims just rock. ill try to find this link i had to some Schmidt dish wheels.. fat as on the back.. like 10" or something.. looks freakin hot as. Just fills out those guards like they are supposed to look.. im getting goose bumps just thinking about rolling in some of those bad boyz, i mean they are pricey as these wheels but maybe there is something around similar that looks almost as good that we can afford without taking out a second mortgage
Also i think that the a8's are just too busy looking, IMO they do not suite a bora at all.
Yeah i agree with your comment on the a8's. Too busy looking. I was considering them but decided to go with the XHP's instead. Even with the crtisism from VWVortex i still love the wheels i got. Plus i wanted it to look different from other boras out there. Good luck with the search!
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