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Thread: Abs and Warning light! Help please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Abs and Warning light! Help please

    Heya guys, had my ABS light and Handbrake Light come on and blink once with 2 beeps the other day, happened twice before making it home. Checked the brake fluids which were fine. Today it happened again, seems to be totally random when the warning happens, once was at 60km, other was just on light acceleration out of the servo.
    The Car is going in for its timing belt service next week, just wanting to know if this is gonna hit me harder cause of this warning? any insight is much appreciated.

    car is a 2003 GTi

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Users Country Flag
    Pull the green fuses out that are on top of the battery and check them out (should be 3) sometimes these cause errors.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    My one has just come on as well.

    Will look at the fuses when I get round to it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by jakeee View Post
    Heya guys, had my ABS light and Handbrake Light come on and blink once with 2 beeps the other day, happened twice before making it home. Checked the brake fluids which were fine. Today it happened again, seems to be totally random when the warning happens, once was at 60km, other was just on light acceleration out of the servo.
    The Car is going in for its timing belt service next week, just wanting to know if this is gonna hit me harder cause of this warning? any insight is much appreciated.

    car is a 2003 GTi
    hey mate my car has been doing this for a while, i looked in my log book and i says that if both lights are on your brakes need to be looked at.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Mine started do this yesterday. Changed the 3 30amp fuses on top of the battery and all seems to be good.
    Not a cheap fix at $2.78! Haha
    Platinum Grey mkV Jetta turbo, Viezu motorsport map, GT-CX 18", lowering to come

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Wolfsburg, Melbourne
    Same deal for me, most likely its a fuse. I found the Mk4 fuse table online somewhere.
    Have a look around on the google machine, or I'll post it when i get home
    MK4 R32 #80

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Greenway, ACT
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    Fuses are a good, cheap place to start investigation. The next place to look, which I've just had to rectify myself, is the brake pads and rotors. My pad sensors have been throwing code to the computer for a few weeks now...just whenever they feel like it. This has made it hard to get the code from the computer, so I had to rely on experimenting with cause and effect.

    I noticed a lot of the warning light instances occurred immediately after engaging or releasing the parking brake. Sometimes the EPC light would stay on after the start-up sequence, but traction control warning light wouldn't come on until releasing the parking brake or applying pressure to the brake pedal for the first time. Funnily enough, after the discs and pads warmed enough, the traction control light would disappear.

    If you haven't already replaced your rotors and pads with something that's not OEM, I highly suggest it. It was explained to me that the pads and rotors that come on these things are a bit illogical with the discs being softer material and the pads being harder material than what you'd find on aftermarket parts. This means more dust and an increased rate of wear, which to you means a lighter wallet.

    Some stuff sent over from ECS is being put on my Bora as we speak, so I'll be sure to update about the EPC and ABS lights after it's all said and done. Good luck.

    - You want respect? Have a nice car AND know how to drive it. I like sh*t-hot cars with an auto gearbox, but don't tell me you can drive, and that you beat so and so when all you can do is put your foot down. Grow a stick and some balls and then we can talk.


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