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Thread: 3" downpipe to stock exhaust

  1. #1
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    3" downpipe to stock exhaust

    Looking at buying a 42 draft 3" downpipe mated to stock exhaust. Anyone done this setup? Or similar? Any difference in power also any change in exhaust note. Chuck in your 2 cents worth!! Cheers

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    stock dp is fairly restrictive. any upgrade on that will give kw. there have been a few threads about dp, have a search. but with 3" dp you stock exhaust will be the new restriction
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  3. #3
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    To be fair, the standard exhausts are pretty reasonable. You won't get all the power you could have but it won't be far off.


  4. #4
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    Yeah been searching a bit couldn't find heaps and wanted some good opinions. not like vortex where they just say lower it to everything hahah. anyone know if it changes exhaust note much? I plan on gettin a downpipe first then along the way going 2.5" catback, just not all at once! I want to buy the Billy boat catback off mcdub, would the 3" downpipe mate up to the Billy boat one alright?

  5. #5
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    No reason it shouldn't fit to the Billy Boat, 42dd do different sized adapters for their downpipes. Polo GTIs sound nice IMO with a downpipe and the standard system. Nice a gruff without being massively loud. They still make really good power like that as well.

  6. #6
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    i was looking at buying a cheappy of ebay. there are heaps of links on vortex saying they're not bad. - the unofficial ebay dp thread
    Last edited by VDUB-BUD; 20-04-2011 at 09:28 AM.

  7. #7
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    Just make sure your dump pipe has a Cat, HUGE fine of you are caught without one, quite illegal. Also, a decent cat is 200cel or less ( basically bigger "straws" for the gas to pass through ). As the mufflers are by FAR the biggest restriction in a cat back, just chop one out and increase your flow straight away, or replace them all with a larger secondhand one off a Commodore or similar. Bigger car mufflers do the same job yet flow far more exhaust. Look up the efforts of Julian Edgar on here and on Autospeed, you can do a lot of you are prepared to experiment a little.
    Last edited by Greg Roles; 20-04-2011 at 11:39 AM.
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  8. #8
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    Vdub bub I was going to do that just get a cheapy like obx or such but after email a couple of emails I couldn't find any that suited right hand drive. The 42 draft one woud be about 400 landed which isn't too bad. You can get a "race" version without a cat and then a street version. Will defiantly get one with a cat. Might even be cheaper just gettin a local muffler shop to put together a cat back, nothing special just a 2.5"

  9. #9
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    I got one off eBay it was/is excellent, can't see how it could be made any better. I had mine mated to the stock exhaust ( for a while) it came with a reducer ,made very minimal sound difference but combined with a tune it made a nice slab to spool up and the butt dyno approved.

    Quote Originally Posted by Preen59 View Post
    I would have gotten wood from the picture message you sent me.. But I was sniffing Nitro, so i already had it. Hahaha.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    ipswich qld

    not having a cat is only illegal if you get caught, but just a note, only a defect notice for lack of a cat for the driver of the car, but the exhaust shop who fitted the catless pipe will receive a fine for over $10000. (that info is a few years old might be a bigger fine now?) i had police TRY to pin me for not having a cat, f**k some cops are stupid.

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