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Thread: 2003 model about $400 cheaper to insure

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    2003 model about $400 cheaper to insure

    Anybody found this for the GTI?
    a 24y/o with 65% no claim with NRMA, it is about $400 (actually more i think) cheaper to insure than a 1999-2002 model.
    Why is this, are they not the exact same car? (MKIV)
    I'm not complaing though

    only difference i can think of is that the sunroof is no longer standard on the '03 model. (say $1250 instead of $1700)
    i hope i don't piss off any GTI MKIV shoppers who were already aware of this.
    Last edited by McDub; 17-10-2008 at 10:53 PM.

  2. #2
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    Maybe because they were made in South Africa...

    Can not think of any other reasons though.
    MY18 VW Passat Alltrack Wolfsburg Edition + Panoramic Sunroof + some extra goodies... (Pure White)
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  3. #3
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    any new model in the same range of cars will be cheaper to ensure then an older model.


    they know there is a lesser chance any funds will be lost and if they recoup the wreck in the case of a write off they will get more for it at auction.

    so forth...



  4. #4
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    Nice idea, but they still made MK4's (in Wolfsburg) in 2003.
    79 MK1 GLD
    03 MK4 GTI
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  5. #5
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    Car will have risk with it. It is based on:
    *Car claims history of that model
    *Cost of parts

    I constantly see this, same details but different model commodore.
    Executive - worth 14k - $1000 to insure
    Berlina - worth 17k - $900 to insure
    Calais - worth 21k - $775 to insure

    All other detail where kept the same and values where agreed values. As you can see, just because a car is worth more, doesn't mean it will cost more to insure.

    It is also just a rumour that because a car is turbo or a V8 that it is more to insure on that alone - it's usually because all those people crash...
    Bora has gone ;( Custom sub box and beige floor mats to suit for sale.

  6. #6
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    Stock MkIV GTI with no mods is more expensive for me to insure than a stock MkIV R32. I suppose what's already been mentioned plays a big part in this. I always thought it was the fact that it had that magic hoon word turbo in it, but what's been said does make sense.

    2010 Renault Clio RenaultSPORT 200 Cup 20th Anniversary Edition - #19 of 30 - The French Connection...
    2004 Volkswagen Golf R32 MkIV - #044 of 200 - Gone But Not Forgotten...
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    I see on the news tonight another high speed street racing fatality today in Miranda. That'll help the insurance premium cause! These retards will never learn


  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr ©harisma View Post
    Car will have risk with it. It is based on:
    *Car claims history of that model
    *Cost of parts

    I constantly see this, same details but different model commodore.
    Executive - worth 14k - $1000 to insure
    Berlina - worth 17k - $900 to insure
    Calais - worth 21k - $775 to insure
    Yes but those cars are different models!
    Different models attract different people.
    but what possible difference is there between a 2002 and 2003 GTI?
    Only thing i can think of is that the R32 came out soon after, so perhaps the "real hoons" stopped buying the GTI, and bought the R32, but then that disagrees with what Treza360 just said.

    Regardless, i am stoked with the cheap insurance for the 2003 model, as i am officially, as of 11am today, a proud owner of a superb MKIV GTI golf

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by McDub View Post
    Yes but those cars are different models!
    Different models attract different people.
    but what possible difference is there between a 2002 and 2003 GTI?
    Only thing i can think of is that the R32 came out soon after, so perhaps the "real hoons" stopped buying the GTI, and bought the R32, but then that disagrees with what Treza360 just said.

    Regardless, i am stoked with the cheap insurance for the 2003 model, as i am officially, as of 11am today, a proud owner of a superb MKIV GTI golf
    It doesn't matter about the same model, different years. It's all worked out the same. Often also as they get older parts are harder to source.

    What car the "hoons" buy wont matter, who crashes them will. The car is looked at by:
    Age - Car
    Safety features
    Cost of OEM and re-conditioned parts
    At fault claims
    Not at fault claims
    Claims frequency

    and the premium is based on
    Age - Driver ( different companies will do this differently )
    Location - Postcode
    Driving experience - Years licenced
    Driving History - Claims / Suspensions etc
    To some extent agreed value / market value - Insured Value
    Car - As above
    Usage - Private or business
    Financal interests - Hire Purchase, Personal loan etc
    Excess - The higher you go, the lower the prem
    Some people take colour of the car and other crazy things like criminal history.

    Their is a lot behind it but at least you got cheaper insurance. Congrats on the new ride!
    Last edited by Mr ©harisma; 19-10-2008 at 07:02 AM.
    Bora has gone ;( Custom sub box and beige floor mats to suit for sale.

  10. #10
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    i realise the basics on how they work out the insurance, im just saying i can't see why there is any indication to explain the sudden difference from 02-03. (no significant difference from the 99-02 models)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr ©harisma View Post
    It doesn't matter about the same model, different years. It's all worked out the same. Often also as they get older parts are harder to source.
    i would have thought the parts on the 03 would be almost identical to the previous year

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr ©harisma

    What car the "hoons" buy wont matter, who crashes them will.
    That's what i was trying to say, the people who are going to crash them. as i said the only reason i could think of is that the car attracted many more safer drivers in '03 for many possible reasons.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr ©harisma
    It doesn't matter about the same model, different years. It's all worked out the same. Often also as they get older parts are harder to source.

    What car the "hoons" buy wont matter, who crashes them will. The car is looked at by:
    Age - Car 6 months difference = $500 difference?
    Safety features - identical to my knowledge
    Cost of OEM and re-conditioned parts - identical to my knowledge
    At fault claims - possible reason, hard to see why it would be so different for 03 though
    Not at fault claims - as above^
    Claims frequency - as above ^

    and the premium is based on
    <snip> they were all identical when i quoted
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr ©harisma

    Their is a lot behind it but at least you got cheaper insurance. Congrats on the new ride!
    Yep, i was only trying to make sense of it. Guess i should just be happy with it! (and a heads up to those buying one atm, check an nrma policy for an 03 car, and see if it saves you enough to influence your choice. I drove 4 hours yesterday to get this car )
    and i love it, cheers
    Last edited by McDub; 19-10-2008 at 08:42 AM.

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