Hey guys,
My car's idle has never been perfect, usually varying 50rpm while sitting around but lately i've noticed that it tends to seem like it missfires/drops a cylinder (and the revs) then comes back up.
It has gotten alot worse in the past few days!
Sitting there idling it will missfire/knock, revs will drop to 500 then it will compensate and hit 1000 then back down to 800. Rinse and repeat.
When coming off the throttle in gear or in neutral (at all, even just a tiny touch) the revs will drop as far down as 200rpm, then come back up to 500 then missfire - then hit 800 and then back down etc etc.
I reset the computer and it did its throttle body calibration and it was fine for a short while but after some hardish driving it went back to having dramas.
Can anyone suggest possible causes? It only has dramas when its idling it would seem, although last night it felt like it had a flat spot/struggled at about 1800rpm.
sounds like maf to me!!!
I HATE MAF's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stick it on the vag com and see if there's any errors, maybe reset the ecu and realign the throttle body. I doubt realigning the throttle body will help in this case but its worth a try
maf doesnt come up!!! ask h100vw... our resident maf expert!