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Thread: 1.8T issues‼️

  1. #1

    1.8T issues‼️

    Hi guys,

    Was just driving home from uni and noticed a few things....
    Firstly the fuel economy has seemed to have dropped, my turbo makes a chatter/fluttery noise when spooling and there's a rich fuel smell in the engine bay.
    Just wondering if you know what it could be?

    And if necessary, it's stage 2 GIAC tuned with 3" tb exhaust and down pipe

    Cheers Finman

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
    Users Country Flag
    Quote Originally Posted by finman View Post
    Hi guys,

    Was just driving home from uni and noticed a few things....
    Firstly the fuel economy has seemed to have dropped, my turbo makes a chatter/fluttery noise when spooling and there's a rich fuel smell in the engine bay.
    Just wondering if you know what it could be?

    And if necessary, it's stage 2 GIAC tuned with 3" tb exhaust and down pipe

    Cheers Finman
    Is it still making boost? A split pipe is likely. Check the pipe between the carbon canister and the inlet manifold.

  3. #3
    Ok, yeah it still makes boost, doesn't drop or anything, but I'll be sure to check that hose. Btw with the fuel smell I did notice that two of the injectors seem to be leaking a little bit but not sure if it's recent or a build over time

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
    Users Country Flag
    Any residue around the injectors is probably unimportant. All 3 of my 1.8T have it to some degree

  5. #5

    ok, well went to see my mechanic today and i have an exhaust leak of all things lol, but i booked it in to get the o-rings replaced just in case so that should be sorted as well. thanks for the help

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