Reset throttle basic settings with vag com engine 01 channel 60 press go!!
If this fails try channel 98
Also check adaption values in 01 your ecu may not be set to have cruise control switched on. See how you go...
Hey everyone,
My cruise control is not working.
Sequence of events:
1) cruise control was working with no engine faults and able to do throttle body alignment in VAGCOM.
2) Swapped over to custom code ecu
3) Cruise control not working, 2 throttle body engine faults, and cant do alignment in VAGCOM.
engine faults are...
17967 - Throttle Valve Control part (J33Fault in basic settings
17973 - Throttle Actuator (J338 ) : Lower Stop not Reached
My car drives fine thou, but i have no cruise control which is annoying.
Do people have any idea what could be the problem here?
Reset throttle basic settings with vag com engine 01 channel 60 press go!!
If this fails try channel 98
Also check adaption values in 01 your ecu may not be set to have cruise control switched on. See how you go...
I have tried many times to do the throtle body alignment and it errors out every time .
I have also checked to see whether cruise control is enabled in the ecu, and apparently it is!
Any other suggestions?
Are the clutch and brake switches ok any codes in other ECUs. Do a full scan.
I'll double check all modules.. I dont remember seeing any other faults. but no harm in checking again.
Also I have checked the manual to see whether there is a 'cruise light' that comes on the dash when cruise is activated. The manual said its only for specific models and even when I had my cruise working I never saw a light come on.
Can anyone confirm whether the 99-01 model mk4's have a cruise light that comes on when its activated?
If your car has a cable running to your throttle body you have to reset using channel 98 but clean out your throttle body first take it of if you can you may need to replace the seal if you take it off. For the light I'm not 100% some did some did not golf 5 was like that . you can do a test in your dash lights channel 17 and then find test this may light up cruise light. But you must check clutch switch and brake switch as mentioned..
Are you referring to a throttle body alignment?? or something different... because I have done te TBA numerous times as stated above which errors out everytime.
TB is clean, I cleaned it a while ago to sort out this problem.. didnt help.
---------- Post added 04-12-2011 at 09:20 AM ---------- Previous post was 03-12-2011 at 08:51 PM ----------
Just scanned this morning and I get the usual suspects.VAG-COM Version: Release 409.1-S
Chassis Type: 1J - VW G/J/B Mk4
Scan: 01,02,03,08,16,15,17,19,22,35,46,56
Address 01: Engine
Controller: 06A 906 018 AQ
Component: 1.8L R4/5VT MOTR HS D03
Coding: 04000
Shop #: WSC 06313
2 Faults Found:
17967 - Throttle Valve Control part (J33: Fault in basic settings
P1559 - 35-00 - -
17973 - Throttle Actuator (J33: Lower Stop not Reached
P1565 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent
Readiness: N/A
Address 03: ABS Brakes
Controller: 1C0 907 379 J
Component: ABS FRONT MK60 0103
Coding: 0004097
Shop #: WSC 16490
No fault code found.
Address 08: Auto HVAC
Controller: 3B2 907 044 C
Component: CLIMATRONIC C 1.0.0
Coding: 11000
Shop #: WSC 00028
1 Fault Found:
01274 - Air Flow Flap Positioning Motor (V71)
37-00 - Faulty
Skipping Address 15-Airbags
Address 46: Central Conv.
Controller: 1J0 959 799 Q
Component: 4C Zentral-SG Komf. 0001
Coding: 04097
Shop #: WSC 00028
1 Fault Found:
00944 - Heated Exterior Mirror: Passenger Side (Z5)
35-10 - - - Intermittent
End --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I dont get any errors related to brake or clutch switches. If these were faulty would they bring up codes? How do i test whether these switches are working?
Mate if you have changed ECU and these problems came up most likley this may be the issue!!!
Did you keep the original ECU when they were swapped over? Sticking that back in would be the way to check. Were they both the same part number?
I don't know the blocks but when you see a pile of 1s and 0s come up as you go through the measuring blocks, press the brake and clutch pedals. Assuming that both switches are ok at some point you will find the 1s and 0s changing. That's how the ECU sees the pedals move.
Yeh i do have the original ecu still. Ill have to wait til the weekend to try it out again.
The part numbers were different, I had to recode the immobiliser to accept the new ecu.
Ok ill investigate the measuring blocks for the brake and clutch pedals, thanks!