Never build something you can buy.
The GTI also has bigger breaks, different suspension, better interior and factory fitted options.
You would be better of sell the 1.8 n/a and getting a GTI.
Sorry to be the bearer fo bad news.
Evening guys,
I've been lurking around reading about the MKIV in the forums here and over at and in particular trying to find examples of people tuning or adding turbo's to the 1.8L 20v NA (92Kw) engine that was shipped in the early days of the MKIV Golf. So far I have found nothing!
The MKIV roll call ( dosen't fill me with joy as only 2 people have (3 including me) have voted for the 1.8L!
So can anyone help me sort fact from fiction?
Is the 1.8L the same engine as the 1.8T? Is it worth while upgrading/tuning the 1.8L or should I just offload it for a GTI?
Cheers, Jas.
you could supercharge it...?
87' MK2 GTI
13' MK7 TDI
If you want a fast car your unfortunately going to have to sell your car. The GTI has uprated suspension, brakes, gearbox, and of course engine. To get your 1.8NA to the same spec would not be worth the time or money.
If you want a faster car, sell your existing car and purchase any turbocharged VW, you can't go wrong. Or just improve the suspension, throttle response and top end with a few cheaper mods here and there which you might get 100kw in the end with. Sorry mate...
80,000km 1997 MK3 VR6 manual for sale -
Cheers guys.
Little disappointing but sound advice none the less.
go the comestic line of road if your lacking funding or not wanting to resell and get a GTI..
What’s behind you doesn’t matter..
The 1.8 non turbo is VERY similar to the turbo except it runs higher compression, doesn't have forged internals and is obviously missing the turbo.
If you're looking for performance parts (silly idea but imho - Sell it and spend the part money on a GTI) check out parts for the A3 non turbo, The a3 never got the 2L so many many more 1.8 a3s were sold than the golfs and they're basically the same car.
Oh, the 1.8 is a better engine than the later 2L anyway imo.