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Thread: Our Corrado VR6 and Golf GTI in Australia at last!

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by evorobin View Post
    Good feeling when the cars outfront after the long journey. My 8v was exactly the same as UK in the Adelaide heat. Keeping the valver cool has been $$$ spent. How long did Regency hold you up for the Rado?
    I called them up on Tuesday and they said bring it down next tuesday, ie the 18th!!! Amazing eh
    Last edited by VR6 STORM; 13-03-2008 at 07:50 PM. Reason: typos

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by golfworx View Post
    Congrat's on getting your car's out there Nige.

    Hopefully there wasn't any damage caused to them in transit.

    That's a nice setup in the Mk1. Especially being a TT kit.

    In regard's to your side intrusion bar's, I too had to go through all that with engineer's.

    No big deal, just fiddly & time consuming. I ended up making my own bolt/weld in style.

    Designed & built by me & more than what the engineer wanted. Also not that heavy either.

    (Note: the little non-painted one is how "not to build them"!)

    The bolted up at both end's with stainless domed headed allen bolt's & welded in the middle.

    I went down this path as I could build in them in two pieces, fit it as one, then slide them apart to bolt them & then plug weld the centre.

    Didn't have to remove any part's other than the door trim.

    Hope this help's.
    Thanks for the piccies mate. Thats a good bit of fabrication there. They are not dissimiar to what we are doing other that mine are one piece, so have had to remove the door glass, regulator and quater light divider
    I will post some piccies of the bars once the passenger side is done. I need to get them powder coated before I finally fit them up.

    No the cars were perfect when we went to see and pick them up, so congratulations to both John Masons the UK shippers and to Wridgways, the Adelaide shipper end of the deal.

  3. #23
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    wowzers, thats some nice garage fillers there! how much does the mk1 make atw with the turbo conversion? is it like a stage2?

  4. #24
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    Hi the Golf make 173 brake so about 155 or so at wheels? I only have a SHP dyno plot. We got 200 Hp out of it with more ignition advance, but there was a tiny bit of detonation occouring, so the ECU has a few degrees taken out of it just to make it safe. It still makes 200 ft lbs of torque though

  5. #25
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    The MK1 sounds noice though. Nige has promised me a go, which I am looking forward too!!!

    I promise to drive it like my Camry, thrash it in second, so you can miss out 3rd


  6. #26
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    Oh wow, just spotted this thread. Nice work, glad to see both vehicles arrived here in one piece! Shame about the crap weather in Adelaide atm, I'm sure both of them would be a bit shellshocked after the cold UK weather!

  7. #27
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    Ta for that, yeah weather has been poor, not hot enough!!!

    Hey Gavin, you dont need to miss any gears in this baby!

  8. #28
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    Nigel got the Corrado through the test today and it is now officially registered in SA. I took a few pics this morning outside my house and I'll post them when I get time.

    Sounds great though I don't think enough of the local population realised how lucky they were to be driving along side such a rare car!!


  9. #29
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    Congrats Nigel. Hope you will be showing it on the 6th mate!

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by h100vw View Post
    . . . . . Sounds great though I don't think enough of the local population realised how lucky they were to be driving along side such a rare car!!

    WORD! . . .

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