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Thread: how do I find a scirocco or a corrado in Oz

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Talking how do I find a scirocco or a corrado in Oz

    I am not sure if I asked this question before[short term memory lost due to illness] how I could get hold of the above models in Australia? Picked up a couple of second hand books over the holidays. The books covered the Golf and derivatives, and being only new to the VW scene they blew me away especially the GTi GTX GTX 16v Scirocco and the performance Corrado models. If some can shine a light on this for me it may satisfy more curiosity.
    Old Skool Passat Power Rules!!!
    1974 Passat LS with a SEAT 1.8, 32/36 Weber, full performance exhaust and a K&N filter. 80kw at the wheels??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Users Country Flag
    With Corrado's retailing at $25K finding funds seems harder than finding the cars...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
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    25K is big money when you consider that I bought a rough 16V Corrado last year for 625 quid. The engine smoked like Clarkson before he gave up and it had as many black holes in it as a James T Kirk sees before breakfast!

    Ironically the previous owner had looked after it pretty well fitting an exhaust, brakes and a set of tyres in the previous 18 months.

    I sold it to a trader for the same 625 4 months later. Next thing it pops up on ebay and went for over a grand. The advert had nearly everything I said to the trader verbatim like he recorded the conversation.

    Probably cheapest to go and live in the UK for a year and bring one back.
    Good VRs still fetch most of 5K sterling, G60s and 16V start at sub 2K for a useable example. Personally unless you are on first name terms with your bank manager the 16V is the one to have. The 2 litre being better than the 1800, it has the facelift dash, hump bonnet and better injection system.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Camden, Sydney
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    Sciroccos are cheaper and easier to bring provided they are pre 1989.
    1000quid would get you a nice one, then $2500 to get it here, compliance and rego allow another $2000.

    Thats about $6000 for a car thats 20 years old, but you would be a member of an exclusive club.

    There was on for sale in the classifieds on here, but it was hit in the back and would need a fair bit of work to repair.
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
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    Thumbs up

    I was just throwing a line out to learn about these things.Thanks for all your info and advice. Hey one day soon my sons' and my luck will change so I can see that light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. Having thoughts or dreams of being on top of life, financially and health wise, is sometimes good motivation to achieve some of the goals you want, in this case it was having a dream about other VW models that I like look of and their performance figures were interesting too.
    I just have to watch that with my Bipolar Disorder that things don't get out of hand either manic or delusional, which then leads to a depressive episode.
    Sorry for the raving and ranting, but I feel that some of the participants may not like my upfront questioning and insatiable need for information\knowledge.
    I mineno offencenor harm to anyone. I have found this forum invaluable for its' insight too VW's, as well as some ethreal friends on the other side of my PC.

    Old Skool Passat Power Rules!!!
    1974 Passat LS with a SEAT 1.8, 32/36 Weber, full performance exhaust and a K&N filter. 80kw at the wheels??

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