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Thread: Corrado... Sticky pop up rear Spoiler>.

  1. #1
    Anonymous Guest

    Corrado... Sticky pop up rear Spoiler>.

    What do u do If this happens???... can u overcome this problem?/

  2. #2
    imported_brackie Guest

    Could be a mulitude of things!

    Firstly...How lucky you are to have a Corrado! Are you in Oz? Popup spoilers are a bit like sliding sunroofs. Lack of lubrication makes them sticky. Check the runners first. Use a body grease (you know, the white stuff) as it's less likely to get washed off. My Peugeot GTi suffered from a sticky sunroof to the point where the (plastic) cable stripped its gears. Expensive.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Camden, Sydney
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    Yeah I`d go with brackie. Also check that the rubber is not catching on the spoiler when it pops up.
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