What you have to remember is these units are Chinese and there are some points where they do not match up to more established brands . The RNS series is obviously a VW unit and as such quality will be of a higher nature . The Chinese ones do have more functions but as I did explain radio is not a strong point . I live around 40 kms from the centre of Brisbane and Am reception is nearly non existant . FM is okay but I very rarely ever listen to radio just cannot handle all these idiots that think they are funny . I have had around three units over the last 8 years in 3 different vans , one had to be sent back due to the non functioning music in gps feature and one after around two years stopped playing DVDS etc but because they are cheap if you do upgrade after a couple of years you get many more updated features and GPS mapping . The GPS in these is very up to date I read somewhere that the latest Toureg had maps that did not have Brisbane,s new tunnels and mine even had one that had not been opened at the time . Howard
Thanks Howard
I emailed Zenec and explained the problem, how's this for a bit of inelegant ducking for cover:
Quote:On our two VW vehicles here (at Zenec) that had factory radio installed (NS-510 navigation & RDC510) the AM scan function does not work on these either. But please remember that this is an aftermarket system and should not be compared to operation of a factory device as there is no claim that this is an OEM product.Unquote.
He's saying don't compare it with two OEM products that DONT work!!! My vehicle had the RCD310 fitted on delivery and it did everything it was supposed to.
Basically what he's saying is that the unit is not completely compatible to the OEM unit. He also gave me some BS about some VWs didn't have the two diversity antennas installed and I might need to install another antenna. I asked him if he thought that VW might have done a cost saving on my $64000 vehicle by not installing the full antenna installation! He said "could be". At that point he started to lose me. The glossy blurb sheet upon which I based a lot of my choice on the front cover says "Compatible with Volkswagen Golf VI/...........Amarok/T5 Multivan.
The supplier says it's only a problem with the T5, it set him back a bit when I told him they fitted one in a mates Amarok and another's T5just last week and they are both about to come and talk to them about the identical symptoms. I told him that while I am satisfied that they are trying to address the problem I'll be patient but have two years in which to decide to have it removed. He reluctantly agreed.
The plot thickens.
Will wait with anticipation for the outcome .Howard
Hi guys
The plot thickens on the ZENEC issue. I emailed ZENEC explaining the scan problems and got this response:
"On our two VW vehicles here that had factory radio installed (RNS-510 navigation & RCD510) the AM scan function does not work on these either. But please remember that this is an aftermarket system and should not be compared to operation of a factory device as there is no claim made that this is an OEM product. "
Now what that is saying clearly to me is that ZENEC are accepting that the unit is not 100% compatible with the OEM fitting.
When I asked for confirmation that that was what they were saying I got this response:
"We have asked Zenec in Europe about this, but as you have seen personally the RCD-510 factory radio does not scan AM either. So why it would be expected for our device to be different to that I don’t know. But we will see what Zenec’s explanation is and I will let Audiotech know the response."
There was a move to try the RCD-510 in the vehicle but the result was not conclusive, the supplier claimed that being under their workshop roof was probably an issue. Anyhow I pointed out to ZENEC that the system that was removed to fit the ZENEC was an RCD-310 which performed faultlessly in AM/FM scan and save modes and had good sensitivity so it is the RCD-310 with which I am comparing the performance. It seems odd to me that the supplier is being protective of the system, I told them that it is not their problem, it's ZENEC's.
I believe that this scan function is a fairly common problem that runs through aftermarket systems generally, can anyone confirm this please? ZENEC tell me that their unit is the only one that caters for the diversity antenna and that is why it is the only one that works, funny thing to say when it doesnt. Is it possible that there is some error or some condition being created in the vehicle that is causing a problem. I'm inclined to think not as the only thing that I could imagine is loss of power to the antenna pre-amp and unless I refit the RCD-310 I don't see how I can prove that. I will need to go back to VW and get the passcode for the RCD-310 to do that but I am disinclined to touch the ZENEC installation in any way as it will give them an opportunity to cry foul and duck out of the whole issue. There are three of us here with very recent installations with the same problem asking for resolution, would be interested to know if anyone on the forum would be interested in contacting Leigh Thomas at ZENEC on 1300493632 and telling them about any problems they have, all adds weight.
many thanks again
I might be way off base here.....but how many antennas are connected to the Zenec?
My T5 has 3 antennas in the drivers side mirror. From memory, it is a GPS, FM and Am antenna........Someone jump in and correct me if I am wrong here.
The connections for these antennas is in the drivers door, and then the loom goes back to the radio. Are all these antennas used on the Zenec?
MY11 T5 - I found the antennas
Last edited by IN2VWS; 04-04-2013 at 10:21 AM.
I had a look at the post link above and noticed that you can apparently access the gain information via VCDS of the original fitted radio . Now my limited knowledge of radios is such that the radios are pretuned at factory for the aerials fitted a bit like CB radio if you change the aerial you have to retune it so to speak , with CBs you would fit the new aerial and then turn a small screw on the back to "tune" it to the new aerial . This might explain why once the factory unit is removed and any other unit is then fitted then it no longer works like the original . As I said I am not a tech but their is something about different radios and VWS system , its all to do with impedance and some other sorts of mumbo jumbo . In Europe they also have RDS which are dedicated stations for traffic reports and alerts , the Chinese units I have have RDS facility but is not connected for Australia that would be why there are so many Aerial connectors GPS works on different frequencies from AM and FM then you have to factor Digital radio it goes on and on plus even TV reception . Also different countries these days have multiple radio systems like the US digital satellite so different aerials are needed depending on which country has what delivery system VW would probably cater for multiple systems so that's why there are so many aerials in place . One radio installation centre told me when pushed that they have the same problem with VW stuff his answer was that they use a test lamp not LED type and they connect one end to a12volt supply and then touch the other to the wires in the harness , he said that when you touch the correct one the radio will suddenly work properly [I tried this with our base model 2011 T5 and did not work ] so I fitted a roof aerial a powered model for the Nissan XTrail looks good and has improved reception but not for am as we are too far from Brissie .
DVD screen in wide screen format Do You Feel Lucky Punk ?
Roof mounted aerial 
radio Screen [/IMG][IMG]
Hi again
Howard I hear what you are saying. I worked my life in electronics, specialising in radio, military and civilian.
The impedance match is important specifically in a transmitting application as signal power is reflected back into the transmitter if it is incorrect. Hence the ability to tune the antenna in a CB radio to minimise this reflection. In radio receivers so long as the antenna cable is the correct impedance the antenna characteristic is not critical in the frequencies we are talking here. ZENEC say there are two diversity antennas for the radio and that the system processes the two signals with an algorithm that derives from the two signals a third that is an enhanced signal. IN2VWS, interesting what you say. If the antenna connections is somehow different the the ZENEC does not accommodate that and is therefore not compatible as claimed. The story will continue, I hope to hear some more from ZENEC soon or will harass them. cheers Peter
Struth, I'm really starting to believe it all comes down to something in the way the ZENEC manages the antennas.
Sorry about your mirror though. I have the electric retractable mirrors, might start using them!!
Impedance that was the tech word I could not remember , good call . I still have my older T5 and its aerial is in the front windscreen . The later series T5 its in the mirrors as described . I found this little gem of info which might explain why aftermarket radios have issues in VW as I said remove the factory unit and it all goes pear shape
Quote " Modern active AM/FM window antennas and FM-antenna-diversity systems used for cars are described, and a novel type of window antenna is presented. For the antenna diversity system two main problems had to be solved. First, an extremely fast working criterion for FM distortions (noise, multipath distortion, equal channel, adjacent channel, and intermodulation distortion) had to be found. The time required for distortion detection in the realized system is only 25 μs. In consequence, no audible distortion occurs before the next antenna is switched on. Second, multiantenna systems adequate for modern cars had to be developed. For increased FM performance quality multiantenna diversity systems are used. One of the systems has been implemented in a production by Philips, Fuba, and BMW. It consists of a diversity processor and three narrow-spaced active window antenna arranged in the rear window of BMW type seven and type five cars "End Quote .
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