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Thread: wrecking t5 transporter with hce rebuilt transmission

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Holsworthy, NSW

    wrecking t5 transporter with hce rebuilt transmission

    Hi All long story but it looks like i might have to wreck a t5 transporter 04 with 2.5L axe engine. Can anyone advise what's involved in dumping out the engine and transmission, and can i do this on my mostly flat driveway? Anyone interested in parts let me know but i have to sell atleast a major component or two to make wrecking the van worthwhile.

    Based near Liverpool nsw in case anyone wants to help me do it!

    Cheers, Sam

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Where were you a few years back when our auto went to lunch along with the turbo , hope you can sell the stuff quickly .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Holsworthy, NSW
    Thread Starter
    Sure you don't want a backup auto transmission for safe keeping?? They are known to give out on the early transporters aren't they??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    No thanks got rid of the van instead such a shame it was a bad time with VW and their crappy service .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Holsworthy, NSW
    Thread Starter

    So I've made some good progress pulling this van apart, the dead engine is sold and the rolling shell from B pillar back is sold. Question today, what's worth trying to pull off vs. don't bother?

    Should I bother trying to get the instrument cluster or noone will ever buy this off me they never break? Dash? Any pollution gear or other pipework? Anything else you can think of that's worth trying to get off and list? Electrical bits? I will be pulling off the front doors at least, front bumper and bonnet etc already off. Guess I should get front quarter panels also in case someone has dinged theirs. Any suggestions on setting prices also appreciated. Not after heaps but do want to make some money back, selling things for $20 almost not worth the effort unless part of a package deal.

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