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Thread: Would you buy a T5 with a more powerful engine if available?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Would you buy a T5 with a more powerful engine if available?

    I was browsing the Merc Vito website and noticed that the V6 Tdi now has 165kW/440nm @1400-2800 rpm although still only a convetentional 5 speed auto. I know that my own 128Kw T5 is good enough but as Tim the Toolman used to say "you can never have enough power".

    Considering the power gap has opened up so much between the T5GP 132kw/400nm and the new Vito I was wondering if any here would seriously consider a higher powered version of a future T5. They even sell a crewcab with wing doors..(yes I sound like a broken record). I still feel the Transporter is the better vehicle but a few extra kW would be nice while I'm not sold just yet on the smoothness of the DSG in city stop-start traffic. Maybe I'm getting itchy buying hands as my beloved T5 will be 4y.o. in July and I've got one year after that before balloon payment is due and extended warranty ends.....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
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    T5 overseas have just been released with the 150kw/350NM TSI (petrol) engine. This can be easily (and quite cheaply) upgraded (chipped) through the main brand tuners to at least 175kw/450NM from 1700-5000rpm.... is that enough power ? Is so, hang on a bit for it .....

    That said, considering it is a van I find the 103kw/340NM TDI on ours to be sufficient .... and thats coming from someone who drives a 200+kw Tiguan regularly .....

    EDIT: and the new 7spd DSG is actually pretty good around town .... and thats coming from someone who has had manuals in everything all his life ....
    Last edited by Sharkie; 23-03-2011 at 05:57 PM.
    Current: 2023 MY23 T-Roc R Lapiz Blue + Beats Audio + Black pack 2018 MY19 Golf R manual Lapiz Blue + DAP) 2018 MY18 Golf 110TSI (150TSI) Trendline manual White2014 Amarok TSI Red (tuned over 200kw + lots of extras) 2013 Up! manual Red 2017 Polo GTI manual Black Previous VWs and some others ...

  3. #3
    IN2VWS Guest
    Having owned a MB car and a Smart, I will never buy anything from the MB stable again. The cars (and vans) are expensive to start with, but the servicing and parts will tear you a new a**hole.
    I know someone that works at MB, and he advised me to stay away from the Vitos. Yes they have a warranty, but the inconvenience of having to get things repaired, is just that, inconvenient.

    The 132kw van has heaps of power. Stick with the VW.
    If you really want to be convinced to buy a Vito, then maybe a MB forum will do that for you.

  4. #4
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    I don't need convincing to by a Vito as I won't be leaving VW having now had them for nearly 14 years, my point was that the engine power gap has opened up a fair bit and I was wondering if anyone here would consider a higher output tdi if it was available. In my case our van can go from empty to an internal load of about 800kg and a trailer carring a load of 1200kg+, so gross nearing 4500kg and up and down hills.

    As to the DSG, my loan van last service was the 103/dsg as soon as I got back into my auto I noticed the much smoother stop start running, granted the dsg gearchanges on the move are superb and very fast and the hill hold was useful.
    Last edited by Tornado T5; 23-03-2011 at 06:46 PM.

  5. #5
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    We would need to keep it stock until warranty ended hence my question of a more powerful factory model and frankly for our working situation I would assume a tdi would be better. We often have to pull out of farm driveways onto busy roads with 100km/hr speed limits so extra care needs to be taken when pulling out not to cause a vehicle behind from having to brake. I tend to just be patient and let them go. I guess also having a G6ET means I'm spoilt for breathtaking acceleration.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tornado T5 View Post
    I was browsing the Merc Vito website and noticed that the V6 Tdi now has 165kW/440nm @1400-2800 rpm although still only a conventional 5 speed auto. I know that my own 128Kw T5 is good enough but as Tim the Toolman used to say "you can never have enough power".

    Considering the power gap has opened up so much between the T5GP 132kw/400nm and the new Vito I was wondering if any here would seriously consider a higher powered version of a future T5. They even sell a crewcab with wing doors..(yes I sound like a broken record). I still feel the Transporter is the better vehicle but a few extra kW would be nice while I'm not sold just yet on the smoothness of the DSG in city stop-start traffic. Maybe I'm getting itchy buying hands as my beloved T5 will be 4y.o. in July and I've got one year after that before balloon payment is due and extended warranty ends.....
    Yes, I definitely would as I can't see myself buying a current T5, because I feel that upgrading to the new 4 cyl. TDI is still downgrading for me. I think that I will keep what I have and hope that VW will come up with something better with more power.

    How many km have you done and did you have many problems with yours? If not, why not to keep it longer, even if it would brake down and you'd have to fix it before you trade it in you would still be ahead, unless it happens too soon after your extended warranty ends.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    didn't fifth gear put the t5 against a v6 vito and the t5 dominated
    Last edited by PeDiES; 23-03-2011 at 07:56 PM.

  8. #8
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    That was good!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    I'm glad i got the 132 over the 103. I too wasn't sold on the DSG but when i drove it in the van on the 132 engine it was quick as, didn't like it's low speed pre select tho and i bought a manual as i didn't see the cost worth it. I drove a tsi polo with dsg, it sucked with no go from stop but when moving was great, My only bad point was not being able to pre rev the engine before dumping the clutch to say bolt a right turn through traffic but i didn't try left foot braking and right foot on the gas to get the revs up, I'm guessing the clutch engages when you let the brakes off as it will try to pull it off the handbrake. anyway, I race bikes and like to mash gears when appropriate. I'll prob chip the 132 too when a good bunch o chips come out..
    Last edited by T5Pete; 23-03-2011 at 08:30 PM.

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