White smoke, dpf light all point to blocked dpf filter, have your dpf oil and ash levels checked and clean or replace your diesel particle filter.
Are you aware of the oil consumption issue with the biturbi engine ?
Any help would be really appreciated. I am getting (mainly) white smoke on acceleration and am struggling to find out what is causing it.
The biturbo needed to be replaced after it broke down. No air going through after the turbos failed.
No loss of coolant.
Now very little loss of oil, poss within the 'limits'.
Good compression when cold.
Injectors have been removed and independently tested, there good.
PCV valve has been replaced. (one piece with the rocker cover, thanks VW!)
Maf sensor has been cleaned.
Fuel filter ha been replaced.
Terrible fuel consumption.
DPF light often comes on with continued highway driving.
Last edited by Johnovw; 05-11-2019 at 09:16 PM.
White smoke, dpf light all point to blocked dpf filter, have your dpf oil and ash levels checked and clean or replace your diesel particle filter.
Are you aware of the oil consumption issue with the biturbi engine ?
Try a forced Regeneration of the DPF stick it in 3rd gear and drive at 80kmh for around 20 km and see if it clears , if not get a dealer or someone else to use the computer to do a forced regen .
Yea I have done that a couple of times when the dpf light comes on the dash. Thanks for the suggestion though.
When they tested the injectors did they run a compression test on the cylinders?, White smoke is un-burnt fuel.
Soot can be cleaned through regeneration, but already burned soot, ash, cannot be cleaned through regeneration
Limp mode happens when regeneration not possible
Plenty biturbos suffer high oil consumption, egr cooler disintegration mostly blamed, but also valve stem seals and stuck oil rings