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Thread: Where is Tailgate Actuator Fuse Located?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Gold Coast, Australia
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    Where is Tailgate Actuator Fuse Located?

    My Tailgate (tail gate) actuator (power door lock/latch for rear lift up door) is not working. I had some major electrical challenges in my 10/2010 build, model year 2011, T5 4Motion DSG exAbulance that have now all been corrected...except for the Tailgate actuator. For the life of me I cannot locate a blown fuse, nor can I even locate a diagram of the fuse holders that describes where a "lock" "central lock" "remote" (search words used) fuse would be located. I have manually checked every fuse in the two holders under the cup holders on the interior dash, also the fuses under the passenger seat, also the small fuse box in the engine compartment that is forward of the battery.

    Note that all other door lock actuators are currently working with use of the remote key and also the interior drivers door lock switch, also working fine with the key in the driver’s door key cylinder. Any advice is kindly appreciated.

    Cheers from Down Under

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Adelaide hills, SA
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    Did you check the sticky thread?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Gold Coast, Australia
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    I performed searches using identifiers such as "tailgate lock", "tailgate actuator", "power lock", "lock fuse", "central lock", "central fuse".
    I did locate fuse panel diagrams, but none described a fuse for the power locks, actuator, central locking.

    I am new to the concept of a sticky thread. I did just look it up on wikianswers. I searched site wide and also through electronics section.

    Any advice, pointing in a constructive direction will be acted upon. Thank you for reaching out.

  4. #4
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    ...and, yes, went through sticky thread about T5 Essentials fuses loations. I copied and printed each one out. I did key word search within each and had no success with anything to do with power door locks, remote, actuator.
    Thank your for posting the fuse info moderator....I see that you are the one who made that post originally.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Fuse Box location B position 8 says rear lid control unit , you cannot rely on the factory to use a term we would be used to using . Plus quite often there is a back up circuit which means a second fuse is shared for the same device . Cost me around trip to the Sunshine Coast once recently when I accidently shorted a courtesy light in a vehicle I was working on . I replaced what I thought was the interior light fuse with no luck had to return next day to sort it out only to find the mongrel had a secondary system which was a shared circuit which was blown . 30 seconds work to fix all because it was not listed as part of the interior light system {no it was not a VW it was a Toyota } Hope you find it , if that's not the one also sometimes the CAN Bus will disconnect a circuit in the event of some problem so then a diagnostic scan might be needed to find the fault as the CAN BUS will lock the fault out of the system until its fixed . Read that somewhere .

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
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    Check the wiring where it passes from the turret to the tailgate.

    Pull back the rubber tubing, and see if there's any broken wires.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Thanks for input from the Forum. I checked fuse 8, it was fine. I checked for power to fuse 8 and it is getting power. I have also checked the wiring where it passes from the turret and it is all good. So....hmmmm, if fuse 8 is the fuse for the tailgate actuator (thank you for directing me there) then the problem is maybe in the CAN Bus...which it looks like I will need an auto electrician to hook up to and diagnose. More specifically from the reading I have been doing, perhaps it is the main electronics module J519 that needs looking at.

    Any other thoughts, guidance, is welcomed and will be acted upon and reported back. Thanks heaps for the input.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Take it to experienced independent VW workshop or dealer. The autoelectrician doesn't have to be familiar with VW diagnostics.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A competent auto electrician can work from a schematic if it's available.

    Function of fuse 8 on fuse holder B -SB8- 15A -Rear lid control unit-J605- Top Fuses /Centre Dash.
    Rear lid lock motor has a violet colored wire, you could check for power on that.
    Rear lid contact switch goes back to J519 Onboard supply control unit, brown/blue, brown/black, (could be neg. potential -take care)
    Also - if it has "SAFELOCK" function could be worth considering.
    As always - do not allow 12v onto just any wires, risk of Control Units damage,
    BE CAREFUL PROBING. If not familiar with electrical systems, best to find someone who is, and specifically T5 VW.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    Yes agree never use a test light unless its a good one with some sort of circuitry protection , the only safe way is with a quality multimeter .

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