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Thread: Want to buy diesel injector pump

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Users Country Flag

    Want to buy diesel injector pump

    Please can someone help me out by selling me a diesel injector pump for a 2002 transporter motor or some advice how to rectify this problem by mabye getting a better priced mechanic to fix the one I have.The Pickerings dealership is quoting $3000 to fix and I wont go down this road throwing good money after bad.
    I live in Townsville and I think I will tow it to a different diesel mechanic or try and fit it myself if its not to hard.Ihave been told these pumps rarely go so there must be a few out there.
    The van has 160000 klms on it and the auto has just been serviced
    I cant afford to own a vw when the dealer is so expensive so will try to sell it for $1900 as i hope someone will want auto

    Please can anyone offer advice as i dont want to sell car Many Thanks Tony

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Camden, Sydney
    Users Country Flag
    Location is against you. I would suspect the pump last.
    Is it a 2.5TDI?
    I would buy it in a second if you were in Sydders.
    Have you checked the pump timing belt above the gearbox under a cover? Needs setting up with special diesel timing tools.
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Users Country Flag

    I believe the van doesn't drive anymore? Otherwise you could try volks centre in cairns, they know a lot about T4 I was told...

    Otherwise I am in TSV today and have my VCDS/netbook on me, if you can get the van between 12.00 and 12.45 to ingham road I can do a read for you! Where are you/you van located?

    And yeah...pls don't throw any money at Picker*****


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