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Thread: Vw wreckers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Newcastle NSW

    Vw wreckers

    If been trying to find a bench seat for the front of my t4, and Im not having any luck.
    Is there a vw wreckers close ish to newcastle that I could try?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    with the dust and flies in western Victoria
    Try these guys in Melbourne as they have a few T4's for wrecking.

    Brookvale Spares in Sydney used to wreck T4's but not sure now...

    There's also

    You could always send out a parts request via

    Either way....I think you'll find the bench seat somewhat hard to find as few vans were fitted with one. I certainly have never seen one.....not that that is anything significant!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Newcastle NSW
    Thread Starter
    Thanks heaps
    Whats the difference between t4 and caravelle? Do they have front bench seats?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    with the dust and flies in western Victoria
    T4 and Caravelle are the same thing. T4 is the model number (same as Ford uses EA, EB, BA etc for the Falcon). Caravelle is simply a variant of the T4. And a relatively flash one at that since it is supposed to carry passengers unlike the Transporter variant that is simply a cargo van.

    Transporters are more likely to have front bench seats....and if I were a betting man I'd be looking at the early T4's from the mid 90's.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Adelaide South Australia
    If you haven't found one yet there is a guy over here that has a few T4s. He calls himself Volks Torque. Contact him on [08] 83526233, ask for Tim Mathews.
    Understand how it works, troubleshoot logically BEFORE replacing parts.
    2001 T4 TRAKKA Syncro 2.5TDI,2006 Mk5 2.0TDI Golf manual,2001 Polo 1.4 16V manual [now sold], '09 2.0CR TDI Tiguan manual,
    Numerous Mk1 Golf diesels

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Newcastle NSW
    Thread Starter
    Thanks again guys
    I knew T4s and caravelles were basically the same thing but if you have a "caravelle" you can put mags on it but if you have a T4 when you try to buy mags you get "good luck finding any, next"....
    Just parked next to a brand new lowace running 20s bet he didnt get a smart a$$ lecture off the tyre guys!!
    Anyway so most if not all parts are interchangable between the 2?
    Wasnt sure if I should be specifing T4 or caravelle when Im seat hunting!
    Thanks heaps btw check out my build thread (going to add more pics soon)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Newcastle NSW
    Users Country Flag

    Hey Nik,
    give Steve Muller at Kombi Rescue a call.
    Caravelles would have needed to be ordered with a bench seat.

    Its the 9 seater T4 Kombi model that came with the bench seat. You might find someone (like me) that has removed it that might like to sell, but I dont know of anyone at the moment. I do know that the seat WILL NOT fit in the front of a single cab T4 ute as we tried it.

    There was a place in Sydney that was installing them but they wanted big dollars -


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