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Thread: VW T5.1 excessive oil use

  1. #151
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    Ok I did have some luck with our T5 but it was the auto in ours that went out for lunch , it was ten years old at the time with only 120000 kays on the clock . Initially the dealer who [ allegedly ] did a service on the box due to flaring and lumpy gear change between 3rd and 4th caused it to fail utterly . With no response from VW Australia via the dealer I took to making complaints with photographic evidence direct to Germany . Within two days I received correspondence from VW Australia still in denial of it being their problem . Then I took to VW Australias Facebook page [by the way lots of disgruntled owners on that one ! ] I will admit I kept all comments to a sensible and non derogratory manner , no swearing etc . after two years I almost gave up but suddenly after I manged to get the ABC to run my issue past them they miraculously had a change of heart and did a "Goodwill "payment of 50% of the repair cost of which was $8500 for the rebuild . I think one of the problems with these car companies in general is they take the high ground position and deny deny deny , they work on the premise that if you deny a complaint enough times the complainant will just give up then they have won . If you have ever watched the movie The Rainmaker with Matt Damon and Danny Devito it will give you an idea how it works . You need to gather as much evidence as you can research overseas and see what has been the response from other countries use that against them . Look what has happened to Ford Australia they are being dragged into courts over their treatment of female customers who were told it was their driving style which was causing the gear box to shudder when they knew it was a design fault from factory . Please keep us all informed how it goes .
    Last edited by Sunny43.5; 03-02-2018 at 06:16 PM. Reason: Spelt Australia wrong again !

  2. #152
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
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    I’ve had no luck with VW Australia, so went with the DPF delete & EGR removal as the motor is still “ok” - just loses oil.

    The initial quote from VW to fit a new engine was $17,000 or so.
    Was all pretty depressing u til I spoke to my local independent dealer in Grovedale, near Geelong - He mentioned that VW have quite a few of these CFCA motors available and that they have come down in price considerably - around $7000 or so.
    The prospect of having to replace motor if mine fails now will be easier to digest.

  3. #153
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    And I will bet you the dealer didn't have the decency to offer lubricant while trying to screw you . I know when we had ours at a dealer and after a $3600 bill for a part shonky repair / service the service guy told me it needed a new Turbo another $6500 . I don't think his facial expression changed he said it as if $6500 was pocket change . Yeah of course pal we just love to spend a bloody fortune every time we come into your VW dealership .
    Last edited by Sunny43.5; 11-02-2018 at 06:04 PM.

  4. #154
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Yes it's pretty hard to swallow the repair costs of modern cars these days , prices have gone sky high and repairs are almost outstripping trade in values . The old days you culd buy second hand parts or exchange or even repair most things . These days rarely anyone will repair or recon and don't even bother with dealers . Yes the exteneded warranty joke has been doing the rounds for some time now and oddly its aimed more at VW .

  5. #155
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
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    My bi turbo is 2012 number and egr C not D so updated models from 12 obviously still had C suffix

  6. #156
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Kombi View Post
    My bi turbo is 2012 number and egr C not D so updated models from 12 obviously still had C suffix
    Where exactly can I find these letters to determine whether I am affected?

  7. #157
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pominoz13 View Post
    You can find it by looking directly below your bonnet catch for a metal plate with a sticker on it. The letter on the end is the suffix.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mtwem View Post
    Where exactly can I find these letters to determine whether I am affected?
    See above mate.

  8. #158
    Join Date
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    Plate just next to oil filter on mine

  9. #159
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Anyway to post photos from iPhone to share on this website? Found one plate but didn’t can’t be sure it’s the correct one

  10. #160
    Join Date
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    Small square plate close to oil filter, mine reads
    Kombikuhier 2.0 L
    03L 115 512 C

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